Романтичный и нежный джемпер с объёмными рукавами, которые украшены красивыми японскими узорами. Элементы этого ажурного узора повторяются по Переду джемпера. Вырез горловины выполнен в форме «лодочка», что делает образ очень женственным. Подойдет на все сезоны.
The jumper model assumes a loose fit. Knitted in the round from bottom to top seamlessly. The description provides calculations for two sleeve length options: extended (in the original) and standard.
Dimensions: S 42/44 (M 46/48, L 50/52)
Dimensions in finished straightened form after WTO:
The length of the product along the back from the beginning of the elastic to the closed loops of the elastic at the neck along the Back is 54 (59, 64) cm
Product circumference in the chest 96 (102, 108) cm (corresponding to OG 86/90 (92/96, 98/104))
Sleeve length with elastic to armholes 50 cm (extended, in the original)
Sleeve length with elastic to armholes 45 cm (standard)

9 (10.12) skeins of yarn Lana Grossa Alta Moda Cotolana yarn (45% merino wool; 45% pima cotton; 10% polyamide, 50g per 150 m)
Circular knitting needles 3.5 and 4.5 mm, lengths 40 and 80 cm or knitting needles of a different thickness, allowing you to achieve the desired knitting density;
Knitting needle.
Knitting density sample with the “Front stitch” pattern in a circle after WTO:
20p. and 28r. = 10×10 cm, knitting needles 4.5 mm

Your knitting density may be very different from mine. I strongly recommend checking the knitting density on a sample, which you must wash and dry. Moreover, the density of knitting in the round and in rotary knitting may differ. Be sure to knit the pattern in the round. If necessary, select the right size knitting needles for yourself.
ЛП — лицевая петля;
ИП — изнаночная петля;
Pattern “Rib crossed” in a circle (even number of loops):
All circular rows: * K1. crossed p., 1 IP.; repeat from * to the end of the round.
Pattern “Front stitch in a circle”:
All circular rows: LP.
Pattern “Knit stitch in turn knitting”:
1st person: LP.
2nd row: IP.
Note: The front, back and sleeves of the jumper are knitted from bottom to top in circular rows. The sleeves are then sewn to the “body” of the jumper.
Openwork pattern for the front in a circle (rapport consists of 20 points and 32 lines).

Pattern “Lacy” for Front for rotary knitting (rapport consists of 20 points. and 32r.).

Openwork pattern for the front in a circle
Pattern “Lacy” for Front for rotary knitting (rapport consists of 20 points. and 32r.).

Additional designations for all Schemes:
4 LP cross to the right

Cross 4 LPs to the right: slip 2 loops onto the auxiliary needle at work, knit the next 2 loops, then knit 2 loops from the auxiliary needle.
4 LP cross to the left

Cross 4 LPs to the left: slip 2 loops onto the auxiliary needle before work, knit the next 2 loops, then knit 2 loops from the auxiliary needle.

Using 3.5mm circular needles (or one size smaller than the selected needle number for the main fabric to match the knitting density), cast on 205 (217, 229) stitches. Join the stitches in a circle, knitting the last and first stitches of the cast-on row together. As a result, 204 (216, 228) loops are closed in a ring.
Прикрепить маркер в начале круг.р. и связать 8 круг.р. или 2,5см узором «резинка скрещенная».
Re-knit on 4.5 mm needles and knit further, counting for the convenience of doing the work as the 1st circular row, then as follows:
Marker, 2 SP, BEFORE: 16 (18, 20) p. With the “Front stitch” pattern in a circle, 20 p. with the “Lacy” pattern in a circle (hereinafter the Path on the right), 28 (30, 32) p. With the “Face stitch” pattern " in a circle, 20 p. With the "Lacy" pattern in a circle (hereinafter the Path on the left), 16 (18, 20) p. With the "Front stitch" pattern in a circle, 2 IP, Back: 100 (106, 112) p. With the " Face stitch" in a circle.
Thus, knit straight on, alternating repeats of each pattern for a total of 50 (54, 56) rows. Stay.
Далее начать выполнять наклоны ажурных дорожек относительно центра. Дорожка справа — вправо, дорожка слева — влево.
Для наклона первой дорожки вправо необходимо вторую и третью ЛП от Дорожки справа провязывать вместе ЛП с наклоном вправо — далее Убавка справа, 20 петель Узора «Ажурный», далее прибавить одну петлю (вывязать 1 скрещенную лицевую петлю за переднюю стенку из протяжки между первой и второй ЛП центральной полоски узора «Лицевая гладь» ) — далее Прибавка справа.
Для наклона второй дорожки влево необходимо прибавить одну петлю (вывязать 1 скрещенную лицевую петлю за заднюю стенку из протяжки между первой и втрой ЛП центральной полоски узора «Лицевая гладь») — далее Прибавка слева, 20 петель Узора «Ажурный», далее вторую и третью ЛП от Дорожки слева провязывать вместе ЛП с наклоном влево — далее Убавка слева.
Next, the Description will go separately by size before knitting the Back: Size S.
Make decreases and increases on the right and left unevenly as follows:
(a total of 14 decreases and 16 increases must be made relative to each Openwork track).
51st round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
52nd circle: according to the drawing.
53rd circle: according to the drawing.
54th circle: according to the drawing.
55th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left)
56th circle: according to the drawing.
57th circle: according to the drawing.
58th circle: according to the drawing.
59th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
60th circle: according to the drawing.
61st circle: according to the drawing.
62nd circle: according to the drawing.
63rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
64th circle: according to the drawing.
65th circle: according to the drawing.
66th circle: according to the drawing.
67th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
68th circle: according to the drawing.
69th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
70th circle: according to the drawing.
71st round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
72nd circle: according to the drawing
73rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
74th circle: according to the drawing.
75th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
76th circle: according to the drawing.
77th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
78th circle: according to the drawing.
79th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
80th circle: according to the drawing.
81st round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
82nd circle: according to the drawing.
83rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
84th circle: according to the drawing.
85th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
86th circle: according to the drawing.
87th circle: according to the drawing (Increase on the right and left + INCREASE * 1 crossed LP from the stretch between 1 IP and the next LP on both sides at the beginning and at the end of the Back to expand the Back part).
88th circle: according to the drawing.
89th circle: according to the drawing (Increase on the right and left + INCREASE by 1 crossed LP from the stretch between 1 IP and the next LP on both sides at the beginning and at the end of the Back to expand the Back part).
90th circle: according to the drawing.
91st circle: according to the drawing.
92nd circle: according to the drawing.
Having knitted the 92nd row, stop. The loops on the knitting needles should be distributed as follows:
Marker, FRONT: 1 IP, 2 LP, 20 loops in the “Lacework” pattern, 60 loops in the “Front stitch” pattern, 20 loops in the “Lacework” pattern, 2 LP, 1 IP, marker, BACK: 1 IP, 104 LP, 1 IP .
Divide the work into front and back (size S).
In the 93rd front row, knit separately Front and Back in turning rows.
Knit edge loops as follows: remove the first loop as a front loop, without knitting, knit the last loop purl.
If your density for rotary and circular knitting is different, change the knitting needles up or down.

FRONT (size S).
Next, knit only the front straight, continuing the pattern. Transfer the back loops to auxiliary knitting needles.
93rd person: 1 chrome stitch, 2 RS, 20 loops in the “Lacework” pattern for rotary knitting”, 60 loops in the “Knit stitch” pattern, 20 loops in the “Lacework” pattern for rotary knitting, 2 RS, 1 chrome.p. There should be a total of 106 stitches on the knitting needles.
94th row: according to the drawing.
Note: Continue knitting the “Lacy” pattern for turning knitting from the 29th row of the Pattern.
Вязать таким образом прямо до 130-ого ряда включительно — до начала горловины.
In the next 131st row, knit 34 loops, including edging stitches. according to the drawing, continuing to repeat patterns. Knit the central 38 stitches and transfer them to auxiliary needles or waste beach. It is important to leave the loops.
OPEN. Knit the remaining 34 loops according to the pattern, continuing the pattern repeat.
Turn the knitting to the wrong side.
Knit 132nd purl. row of the right shoulder on 34 loops. Turn your right shoulder to the front side.
From the 133rd row, start making decreases for the neckline:
133-from faces: 1 edge stitch, 1 edge stitch, 2 edge stitches together with a slant to the left, 7 edge stitch, 20 stitches. “Lacy” pattern for rotary knitting, 2 edge stitches, 1 edge edge stitch. p. 134th p.r.: according to the drawing.
Continue making these decreases in EVERY knit row up to and including the 148th row 7 more times, knitting the second and third (NOT INCLUDING the edge loop) knit stitches together with the knit stitch tilting to the left.
There should be 26 stitches left on the needles.
Next, knit straight up to the 150th row inclusive. From the next front row, begin bevelling the right shoulder.
To do this, in knit 151, do not knit 5 stitches to the end of the row:
1 chrome stitch, 2 LP, 18 stitches. Using the “Lacework” pattern for turning knitting, wrap the working thread around the next loop and turn the knitting to the wrong side.
***For knitting so-called shortened rows, WHEN TURNING THE KNITTING OUT, always wrap the working thread around the outermost of the remaining loops on the left, so that there is no hole later.
Purl 152: 18 p. Openwork pattern for turning knitting, 2 IP, 1 edge stitch.
153rd knit.r: in this row, knit the entire row to the end, in this case it is necessary to lift the wrapped loop and knit it with a purl loop:
1 edge stitch, 2 edge stitches, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 2 edge stitches, 1 edge edge stitch.
154th row: loops according to the drawing of the pattern reports.
Stop and transfer the stitches of the right shoulder to an auxiliary needle or waste yarn. Leave the end of the thread approximately 40cm long for further knitting stitching.
Turn the knitting wrong side towards you and start knitting the left shoulder, attaching a new thread at the beginning of the next 132nd purl row on 34 loops, since the front row of the right shoulder is already knitted before closing the central neck loops.
Unfold the knitting to the right side:
From the 133rd row, start making decreases for the neckline:
133rd person: 1 edge stitch, 2 edge stitches, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 7 edge stitches, 2 edge stitches together with a slant to the right, 1 edge stitch, 1 edge edge stitch. P.
134th row: according to the drawing.
Continue making these decreases on EVERY knit row up to and including the 148th row 7 more times, knitting the second and third (NOT INCLUDING the edge loop) knit stitches together with the knit stitch slanted to the right.
There should be 26 stitches left on the needles.
Next, knit straight up to the 151st row inclusive. From the next purl row, begin bevelling the left shoulder.
To do this, in the 152nd row, do not knit 5 loops to the end of the row:
1 chrome stitch, 2 IP, 18 stitches. Using the “Lacework” pattern for turning knitting, wrap the working thread around the next loop and turn the Knitting to the FRONT side.
***For knitting so-called shortened rows, WHEN TURNING THE KNITTING OUT, always wrap the working thread around the outermost of the remaining loops on the left, so that there is no hole later.
153rd person: 18 p. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 2 r.p., 1 edge p.
Purl 154: in this row, knit the entire row to the end, while you need to lift the wrapped loop and knit it with a knit stitch:
1 edge stitch, 2 IP, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 2 IP, 1 edge stitch.
Stop and transfer the stitches of the left shoulder to an auxiliary needle or waste yarn. Leave the end of the thread approximately 40 cm long for further knitting stitching.

Size M.
Make Decrements and Increases on the right and left unevenly as follows: (a total of 16 decreases and 18 increases should be made relative to each Openwork track).
55th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
56th circle: according to the drawing.
57th circle: according to the drawing.
58th circle: according to the drawing.
59th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
60th circle: according to the drawing.
61st circle: according to the drawing.
62nd circle: according to the drawing.
63rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
64th circle: according to the drawing.
65th circle: according to the drawing.
66th circle: according to the drawing.
67th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
68th circle: according to the drawing.
69th circle: according to the drawing.
70th circle: according to the drawing.
71st round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
72nd circle: according to the drawing.
73rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
74th circle: according to the drawing.
75th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
76th circle: according to the drawing.
77th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
78th circle: according to the drawing.
79th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
80th circle: according to the drawing.
81st round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
82nd circle: according to the drawing.
83rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
84th circle: according to the drawing.
85th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
86th circle: according to the drawing.
87th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
88th circle: according to the drawing.
89th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
90th circle: according to the drawing.
91st round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
92nd circle: according to the drawing.
93rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
94th circle: according to the drawing.
95th circle: according to the drawing (Increase on the right and left + INCREASE * 1 crossed LP from the stretch between 1 IP and the next LP on both sides at the beginning and at the end of the Back to expand the Back part).
96th circle: according to the drawing.
97th circle: according to the drawing (Increase on the right and left + INCREASE by 1 crossed LP from the stretch between 1 IP and the next LP on both sides at the beginning and at the end of the Back to expand the Back part).
98th circle: according to the drawing.
Having knitted the 98th row, stop. The loops on the knitting needles should be distributed as follows:
Marker, BEFORE: 1 IP, 2 LP, 20 loops in the Openwork Pattern, 66 loops in the Pattern.
“Knit stitch”, 20 loops in “Lacework” pattern, 2 LP, 1 IP, marker, BACK: 1.
IP, 110 LP, 1 IP.
Divide the work into front and back (size M).
In the 99th front row, knit separately Front and Back in turning rows.
Knit edge loops as follows: remove the first loop as a front loop, without knitting, knit the last loop purl.
If your density for rotary and circular knitting is different, change the knitting needles up or down.
FRONT (size M).
Next, knit only the front straight, continuing the pattern. Transfer the back loops to auxiliary knitting needles.
99th knit: 1 chrome stitch, 2 r.c., 20 loops in the “Lacy” pattern for rotary knitting”, 66 loops in the “Face stitch” pattern, 20 loops in the “Lacework” pattern for rotary knitting, 2 r.i., 1 chrome.p. There should be a total of 112 stitches on the knitting needles.
100th row: according to the drawing.
Note: Continue knitting the “Lacy” pattern for turning knitting from the 3rd row of the Pattern.
Вязать таким образом дальше до 134-ого ряда включительно — до начала горловины.
In the next 135th row, knit 36 loops, including edging stitches. according to the drawing, continuing to repeat the patterns. Knit the central 40 stitches and transfer them to auxiliary needles or waste thread.
It is important to leave the loops OPEN

Knit the remaining 36 loops according to the pattern, continuing to repeat the Patterns.
Turn the knitting to the wrong side.
Knit 136th purl. row of the right shoulder on 36 loops. Turn your right shoulder to the front side.
From the 137th row, start making decreases for the neckline:
137th knit: 1 edge stitch, 1 edge stitch, 2 edge stitches together with a slant to the left, 9 edge stitches, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 2 edge stitches, 1 edge edge stitch. p. 138th p.r.: according to the drawing.
Continue making these decreases in EVERY knit row up to and including the 154th row 8 more times, knitting the second and third (NOT INCLUDING the edge loop) knit stitches together with the knit stitch slanting to the left.
There should be 27 stitches left on the needles.
Next, knit straight up to the 156th row inclusive. From the next front row, begin bevelling the right shoulder.
To do this, in knit 157, do not knit 5 stitches to the end of the row:
1 chrome stitch, 3 LP, 18 stitches. Using the “Lacework” pattern for turning knitting, wrap the working thread around the next loop and turn the knitting to the wrong side.
***For knitting so-called shortened rows, WHEN TURNING THE KNITTING OUT, always wrap the working thread around the outermost of the remaining loops on the left, so that there is no hole later.
Purl 158: 18 p. Openwork pattern for turning knitting, 3 IP, 1 edge stitch.
159th knit.r: in this row, knit the entire row to the end, in this case it is necessary to lift the wrapped loop and knit it with a purl loop:
1 edge stitch, 3 edge stitches, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 2 edge stitches, 1 edge edge stitch.
160th row: loops according to the drawing of the pattern reports.
Stop and transfer the stitches of the right shoulder to an auxiliary needle or waste yarn. Leave the end of the thread approximately 40cm long for further knitting seam.
Turn the knitting wrong side towards you and start knitting the left shoulder, attaching a new thread at the beginning of the next 136th purl row on 36 loops, since the front row of the right shoulder is already knitted before closing the central loops of the neck.
Unfold the knitting to the right side:
From the 137th row, start making decreases for the neckline:
137th knit: 1 edge stitch, 2 edge stitches, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 9 edge stitches, 2 edge stitches together with a slant to the right, 1 edge stitch, 1 edge edge stitch. p. 138th p.r.: according to the drawing.
Continue making these decreases on EVERY knit row up to and including the 154th row 8 more times, knitting the second and third (NOT INCLUDING the edge loop) knit stitches together with the knit stitch slanted to the right.
There should be 27 stitches left on the needles.
Next, knit straight up to the 157th front row inclusive. From the next purl row, begin bevelling the left shoulder.
To do this, in the 158th row, do not knit 5 loops to the end of the row:
1 chrome stitch, 3 IP, 18 stitches. Using the “Lacework” pattern for turning knitting, wrap the working thread around the next loop and turn the Knitting to the FRONT side.
***For knitting so-called shortened rows, WHEN TURNING THE KNITTING OUT, always wrap the working thread around the outermost of the remaining loops on the left, so that there is no hole later.
159th person: 18 p. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 3 r.p., 1 edge p.
160th p.r.: in this row, knit the entire row to the end, in this case it is necessary to lift the wrapped loop and knit it with a knit stitch:
1 edge stitch, 3 IP, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 2 IP, 1 edge stitch.
Stop and transfer the stitches of the left shoulder to an auxiliary needle or waste yarn. Leave the end of the thread approximately 40 cm long for further knitting stitching.
Size L.
Make Decrements and Increases on the right and left unevenly as follows: (a total of 18 decreases and 20 increases should be made relative to each Openwork track).
57th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
58th circle: according to the drawing.
59th circle: according to the drawing.
60th circle: according to the drawing.
61st circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
62nd circle: according to the drawing.
63rd circle: according to the drawing.
64th circle: according to the drawing.
65th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
66th circle: according to the drawing.
67th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
68th circle: according to the drawing.
69th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
70th circle: according to the drawing.
71st round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
72nd circle: according to the drawing.
73rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
74th circle: according to the drawing.
75th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
76th circle: according to the drawing.
77th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
78th circle: according to the drawing.
79th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
80th circle: according to the drawing.
81st round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
82nd circle: according to the drawing.
83rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
84th circle: according to the drawing.
85th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
86th circle: according to the drawing.
87th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
88th circle: according to the drawing.
89th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
90th circle: according to the drawing.
91st round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
92nd circle: according to the drawing.
93rd round: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
94th circle: according to the drawing.
95th circle: according to the drawing (Decrease on the right and left + Increase on the right and left).
96th circle: according to the drawing.
97th circle: according to the drawing (Increase on the right and left + INCREASE * 1 crossed LP from the stretch between 1 IP and the next LP on both sides at the beginning and at the end of the Back to expand the Back part).
98th circle: according to the drawing.
99th circle: according to the drawing (Increase on the right and left + INCREASE by 1 crossed LP from the stretch between 1 IP and the next LP on both sides at the beginning and at the end of the Back to expand the Back part).
100th lap: according to the drawing.
After knitting the 100th row, stop. The loops on the knitting needles should be distributed as follows:
Marker, BEFORE: 1 IP, 2 LP, 20 loops with the “Lacework” pattern, 72 loops with the “Face stitch” pattern, 20 loops with the “Lacework” pattern, 2 LP, 1 IP, marker, BACK: 1 IP, 116 LP, 1 IP.
Divide the work into front and back (size L).
In the 101st front row, knit separately Front and Back in turning rows.
Knit edge loops as follows: remove the first loop as a front loop, without knitting, knit the last loop purl.
If your density for rotary and circular knitting is different, change the knitting needles up or down.
FRONT (size L).
Next, knit only the front straight, continuing the pattern. Transfer the back loops to auxiliary knitting needles.
101st knit: 1 chrome stitch, 2 RS, 20 loops in the “Lacework” pattern for rotary knitting,” 72 loops in the “Knit stitch” pattern, 20 loops in the “Lacework” pattern for rotary knitting, 2 RS, 1 chrome.p. There should be a total of 118 stitches on the knitting needles.
102nd row: according to the drawing.
Note: Continue knitting the “Lacy” pattern for turning knitting from the 5th row of the Pattern.
Вязать таким образом дальше прямо до 140-ого ряда включительно — до начала горловины.
In the next 141st front row, knit 38 stitches, including edging stitches. according to the drawing, continuing to repeat patterns. Knit the central 42 stitches and transfer them to auxiliary needles or waste beach.
It is important to leave the loops OPEN

Knit the remaining 38 loops according to the pattern, continuing to repeat the Patterns.
Turn the knitting to the wrong side.
Knit 142nd purl. row of the right shoulder on 38 loops. Turn your right shoulder to the front side.
From the 143rd row, start making decreases for the neckline:
143rd knit: 1 edge stitch, 1 edge stitch, 2 edge stitches together with a slant to the left, 11 edge stitch, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 2 edge stitches, 1 edge edge stitch. p. 144th p.: according to the drawing.
Continue making these decreases on EVERY knit row up to and including the 162nd row 9 more times, knitting the second and third (NOT INCLUDING the edge loop) knit stitches together with the knit stitch slanting to the left.
There should be 28 stitches left on the needles.
Next, knit straight up to the 166th row inclusive. From the next front row, begin bevelling the right shoulder.
To do this, in the 167th front row, do not knit 5 loops to the end of the row:
1 chrome stitch, 4 LP, 18 stitches. Using the “Lacework” pattern for turning knitting, wrap the working thread around the next loop and turn the knitting to the wrong side.
***For knitting so-called shortened rows, WHEN TURNING THE KNITTING OUT, always wrap the working thread around the outermost of the remaining loops on the left, so that there is no hole later.
Purl 168: 18 p. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 4 IP, 1 edge stitch.
Knit 169: in this row, knit the entire row to the end, in this case it is necessary to lift the wrapped loop and knit it with a purl loop:
1 edge stitch, 4 edge stitches, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 2 edge stitches, 1 edge edge stitch.
170th row: loops according to the drawing of the pattern reports.
Stop and transfer the stitches of the right shoulder to an auxiliary needle or waste yarn. Leave the end of the thread approximately 40 cm long for further knitting stitching.
Turn the knitting wrong side towards you and start knitting the left shoulder, attaching a new thread at the beginning of the next 142 purl row on 38 loops, since the front row of the right shoulder is already knitted before closing the central neck loops.
Unfold the knitting to the right side:
From the 143rd row, start making decreases for the neckline:
143rd knit: 1 edge stitch, 2 edge stitches, 20 stitches. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 11 edge stitches, 2 edge stitches together with a slant to the right, 1 edge stitch, 1 edge edge stitch. p. 144th p.: according to the drawing.
Continue making these decreases on EVERY knit row up to and including the 162nd row 9 more times, knitting the second and third (NOT INCLUDING the edge loop) knit stitches together with the knit stitch slanting to the right.
There should be 28 stitches left on the needles.
Next, knit straight up to the 167th front row inclusive. From the next purl row, begin bevelling the left shoulder. To do this, in the 168th row, do not knit 5 loops to the end of the row: 1 edge stitch, 4 IP, 18 stitches. Using the “Lacework” pattern for turning knitting, wrap the next loop with the working thread and turn the knitting to the FRONT side.
***For knitting so-called shortened rows, WHEN TURNING THE KNITTING OUT, always wrap the working thread around the outermost of the remaining loops on the left, so that there is no hole later. 169th person: 18 p. Openwork pattern for rotary knitting, 4 r.p., 1 edge p. Purl 170: in this row, knit the entire row to the end, in this case it is necessary to lift the wrapped loop and knit it with a knit stitch: 1 edge stitch, 4 IP, 20 stitches. With the “Lacework” pattern for turning knitting, 2 IP , 1 chrome p. Stop and transfer the stitches of the left shoulder to an auxiliary needle or waste yarn. Leave the end of the thread approximately 40cm long for further knitting stitching.
BACK (all sizes)
С 93 (99, 101) лицевого ряда вязать отдельно Спинку на 106 (112, 118) петлях поворотными рядами. Кромочные петли вязать следующим образом: первую петлю снимать как лицевую, не провязывая, последнюю провязывать изнаночной. Если в порядном описании не указаны «кромочная петля», а указано общее количество петель — фактически кромочные есть — в начале и в конце каждого ряда. Провязать прямо Узором «Лицевая гладь» для поворотного вязания до 146-ого (152, 160) ряда включительно. В следующем 147-ом (153, 161) ряду закрыть центральные 48 (52, 54) петель, провязав его следующим образом:
147th (153, 161) knit: 29 (30, 32) RL, knit the central 48 (52, 54) loops and transfer them to auxiliary needles or waste beach.
It is important to leave the neck loops OPEN

, knit the remaining 29 (30, 32) LPs.
Turn the knitting to the wrong side.
For the left shoulder, neckline and shoulder bevel, continue knitting as follows:
148th (154, 162) p.: 29 (30, 32) IP.
149th (155, 163) row: In this row, make a decrease for the neckline:
1 edge p., 1 LP, 2 together LP tilted to the left, 24 (25, 27) LP, 1 edge p. and turn the knitting to the wrong side.
150th (156, 164) purl: 28 (29, 31) IP.
Only for size L: K165: In this row, make a decrease for the neckline: 1 edge stitch, 1 edge stitch, 2 edge stitches together with a slant to the left, 26 edge stitches, 1 edge edge stitch. and turn the knitting to the wrong side.
166th row: 30 IP.
Knit 151 (157, 167): in this row, do not knit 5 stitches to the end of the row and decrease for the neckline:
1 edge stitch, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a slant to the left, 19 (20, 21) LP, wrap the next loop with the working thread and turn the knitting to the wrong side.
152nd (158, 168) p.: 22 (23, 24) IP.
153rd (159, 169) knit: in this row, knit the entire row to the end, in this case it is necessary to lift the wrapped loop and knit it with a knit stitch and make a decrease for the neckline:
1 edge p., 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 23 (24, 25) LP.
154th (160, 170) purl: 26 (27, 28) IP.
Stop and leave the stitches of the left shoulder open, transfer them to an auxiliary needle or waste yarn.
For the right shoulder, neckline and shoulder bevel, attach a new thread at the beginning of the next 148th (154, 162) p. right shoulder, since the front row of the right shoulder is already knitted in front of the central loops of the neck.
148th (154, 162) p.: 29 (30, 32) IP.
149th (155, 163) row: In this row, make a decrease for the neckline:
1 chrome item, 24 (25, 27) LR, 2 LR together with a slope to the right, 1 LR, 1 edge item. and turn the knitting to the wrong side.
150th (156, 164) purl: 28 (29, 31) IP.
Only for size L: knit 165: In this row, make a decrease for the neckline: 1 edge stitch, 26 rib stitches, 2 edge stitches together with a slant to the right, 1 edge stitch, 1 edge stitch. and turn the knitting to the wrong side.
166th row: 30 IP.
151st (157, 167) row: in this row, make a decrease for the neckline:
1 chrome stitch, 23 (24, 25) LP, 2 LP together with a slant to the right, 1 LP, 1 chrome stitch, and turn the knitting to the wrong side.
152nd (158, 168) row: in this row, do not knit 5 loops to the end of the row:
1 chrome stitch, 21 (22, 23) IP, wrap the next loop with the working thread and turn the knitting to the front side.
153rd (159, 169) row: in this row, make a decrease for the neckline:
18 (19, 20) LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, 1 LP, 1 edge.
154th (160, 170) p.: in this row, knit the entire row to the end, in this case it is necessary to lift the wrapped loop and knit it with a purl loop: 26 (27, 28) IP.
Stop and leave the stitches of the left shoulder open, transfer them to an auxiliary needle or waste yarn.
Using 3.5 mm double needles (or one size smaller than the selected needle number for the main fabric to match the knitting density) or 3.5 mm circular needles using the Magic Loop method, cast on 59 (59, 65) stitches. Join the stitches in a circle, knitting the last and first stitches of the cast-on row together. As a result, 58 (58, 64) loops are closed in a ring. Attach a marker at the beginning of the round row.
Связать 8 круг.рядов или 2,5см узором «резинка». В последнем круговом ряду равномерно прибавить 32 (32, 44) петли. А именно: через каждую 1 петлю в начале кругового ряда 3 раза, затем через каждые 2 петли и снова через каждую 1 петлю в конце кругового ряда 2 раза из протяжки лицевой скрещенной петлёй для размеров S, М. До размера L — через 2 и через 1 поочерёдно. В итоге на спицах 90 (90, 108) петель.
Переснять вязание на спицы 4,5мм и провязать нулевой ряд — установочный – все петли лицевые.
Next, knit, counting for the convenience of doing the work as the 1st circular row, then as follows:
Маркер, *18 петель Узором «Ажурный» для Рукавов по кругу* — повторять 5(5, 6) раз.
Extended sleeve (50 cm including elastic) in the original:
Next, knit straight up to row 122 inclusive (exactly 3 reports of the “Lacy” Pattern for the Sleeves and 26 rows of the next report of the Pattern).
Stop, leave the loops open, transfer to auxiliary needles or waste thread. Cut off the tip at 60 cm for further sewing of the sleeve seam.
***For a standard sleeve length (45 cm including elastic), knit the sleeve up to the 106th row inclusive (exactly 3 reports of the Openwork Pattern for Sleeves and 10 rows of the next repeat of the Pattern).
Knit the second sleeve in the same way as described for the first sleeve.
The open 26 (27, 28) loops of the right shoulder of the Front and the left shoulder of the Front, set aside on the loop holder, are connected to the open 26 (27, 28) loops of the right shoulder.
Back and left shoulder of the back with a knitted seam using a needle. The left side is similar.
If this is a time-consuming process for you or is not to your taste, you can close the loops in the usual way with a crochet hook or knitting needles and sew the parts in the classic way from the wrong side. But in my opinion, the knitted seam looks very organic and beautiful on the Jumper.
So, Knit, repeating these steps until the end of the row. At the end, hide the thread from the wrong side.
Фактически игла должна входить в одну петлю дважды. Один раз — сверху вниз или наоборот и второй раз снизу вверх или наоборот. Это зависит от того, нужна ли в итоге имитация изнаночного ряда либо лицевого.
Sleeve seam: start sewing the sweater armhole and sleeve from the bottom from the beginning of the Back or Front armhole in a circle, finish with the beginning of the Front or Back armhole.
Mark the center of the Sleeve right away with the Center of the shoulder seam so that there is an even distribution of sleeve loops and bows between the edge armholes of the sweater.
1. Grab 2 bows between the edges at once, insert the needle into the first loop on the sleeve from bottom to top and immediately into the second from top to bottom.
2.Pick up 2 bows at once between the next edges, insert the needle into the second loop on the sleeve from bottom to top and immediately into the third from top to bottom.
3. Далее подхватить ОДНУ дужку между следующими кромочными, затем ввести иглой в третью петлю снизу вверх и сразу же в четвёртую — сверху вниз.
4. Подхватить вторую дужку между этими же кромочными, затем ввести иглой в четвёртую петлю снизу вверх и сразу же в пятую — сверху вниз.
Alternate steps 1 to 4 until the end of the round. When making a seam, do not tighten the thread, but do not allow too much freedom. Hide the tip on the wrong side.
Using crochet hook number 2.00, pick up 132 (140, 148) stitches along the neck of the jumper, transferring them to 3.5 circular needles, while knitting the set aside open Front and Back stitches with Knit stitches. Attach the beginning of the row marker.
Purl the first row. Next, knit straight with the “Crossed Elastic” pattern for 8 rows or 2.5 cm. Close the loops in a convenient way, without tightening the loops. For example, a needle.
It is recommended to wash the jumper by hand.
After filling the container with water, lower the thermometer into it to make sure the correct temperature is 30-40 degrees. The detergent must be added to the water before your item is in it. Keep it in the water for 15 minutes and start rinsing, checking the desired water temperature each time.
Squeeze the product into the towel, do not twist or pull.
• After washing and spinning, remove the product from the washing container, lay it horizontally on a towel, giving it its original dimensions, even using a measuring tape, “picking up” the stretched product, away from heating devices. Be sure to straighten the details with an openwork pattern.
• After 10-12 hours, turn the jumper over to the other side.
• Do not pick up or try on the product until it is completely dry.
• Do not iron dry items.
Happy knitting!
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пестрый коллаж: этот жилет создан для тех, кто любит разнообразие! Обе половинки переда и спинки отличаются друг от друга дизайном: здесь в определенном порядке чередуются цветные полосы, зигзаги и однотонные участки лицевой глади. Края боковых разрезов отделаны полым шнуром.
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