Crochet pullover with braids
Dimensions: 34-[36/38-40/42-44/46-48/50] (EUR)

We will need: yarn “Iris” (100% cotton, 180 m/100g) – 600-700-800-900-1000 g pink, hook No. 4, tapestry needle, stitch markers.
Knitting density: 16p x 20 r. = 10 x 10 cm.
Note for sample: [each new embossed double crochet (RSTN) is knitted into the previous RSTN, while skipping as many loops in the row as RSTN was knitted, in order to eliminate the addition of loops].
Twisted strands are formed from 4 crossed RSTN: {knit two RSTN in the 3rd and 4th RSTN, then 2 more RSTN in the 1st and 2nd RSTN}

Pattern Harnesses: dial 28 VP
1st r. (right side): 2 RSTN, 2 RSTN, 4 RSTN, 4 RSTN, 4 RSTN, 4 RSTN, 4 RSTN, 2 RSTN, 2 RSBN.
2-round: knit the entire row with sc.
3-p.: 1 VP (for lifting), 2 RLS, 2 RSTN, * 4 RLS, 2 RSTN in the next. 2 RSTN, 2 RSTN in the previous 2 RSTN (see note{})*, repeat 1 more time from * to *, 4 RLS, 2 RSTN, 2 RLS.
4th row: work the entire row with sc.
5th row: knit as 1st.
6th row: work the entire row with sc.
7th row: knit as 3rd,
8th row: work the entire row with sc.
9th r.: knit as 1st,
10th row: work the entire row with sc.
11th row: 3 RLS, *2 RSTN, 2 RLS* repeat from * to * 5 times, 2 RSTN, 3 RLS
12th row: work the entire row with sc.
13th row: 4 RLS, *4 RSTN, 4 RLS*, repeat from * to * 3 times.
14th row: work the entire row with sc.
15th row: 4 sc, * 4 crossed. RSTN, 4 sc*, repeat from * to * 3 times.
Row 16: work sc throughout the row.
17th row: knitted like 13th.
18th row: work the entire row with sc.
19th row: knitted like 15th row.
20th row: work the entire row with a sc.
21st r.: like 13th r.
22nd row: work the entire row with sc.
23rd r.: like 11th r.
24th row: work the entire row with sc.

Cast on 68 [76-84-92-100] ch 1 ch for lifting and work sc all the time. At a height of 35 cm, begin to form the armholes of the sleeves:
4 [4-5-6-7] half double crochet, ch 1, 60 [68-74-80-86] sc. Then decrease 1 stitch on each row 4 [6-7-8-9] times. After all decreases there should be 52-[56-60-64-68] stitches left. Continue knitting sc.
At a height of 50-[51-52-53-55] cm, begin knitting the neckline and shoulder bevels as follows:
1st r. neck: 1 ch for lifting, 8-[10-12-14-16] sc, turn work.
2nd r. neck: 1 ch, make 1 decrease by knitting 2 stitches together with sc (see Fig. 1), knit remaining loops with sc (7-[9-11-13-15])
3rd r. Neck: 1 ch, 6-[8-10-12-14] sc, make 1 decrease by knitting 2 sts together sc.
4th and 5th r. neckline: repeat rows 2 and 3. At the end of knitting there should be 4-[6-8-10-12] loops left
6th r. neckline: repeat 2nd row. (=3-[5-7-9-11])p.
7th r. neck: 1 ch, 3-[5-7-9-11] sc. Cut the thread.
Make the second part of the neckline symmetrically.
1st row: repeat 1st row. backrests
2nd r. (right side): 1 VP, 20-[24-28-32-36] sc, mark with a stitch marker and start making the pattern according to pattern 1 (or see the description of the Plait pattern), knitting the first row like this: *4 sc, 4 stitches double crochet (dc), 4 sc* repeat from * to * 3 times, mark the last stitch of the pattern with another marker, 20-[24-28-32-36] sc.
3rd row: knit all loops RLS.
4th row: 1 VP, 20-[24-28-32-36] sc, mark the beginning of the pattern with a marker, 3 sc, *2 dc, knit in the 1st and 2nd dc of the previous row, 2 sc, 2 DC, knit in the 3rd and 4th DC of the previous row, 2 SC* repeat from * to * 2 more times, 1 SC, mark the end of the pattern with a marker, 20-[24-28-32-36] SC.
5th row: knit all loops RLS.
Only for sizes [42-46-50]! Repeat rows 4th and 5th [1-2-3] times respectively.
For all sizes: continue knitting, making a pattern of strands. At a height of 35 cm from the beginning of knitting (knitting from the 1st to the 20th r. of the pattern), begin to form the armholes and neckline:
1st row: 1 ch, make 1 decrease by knitting 0 [0-2-2-2] loops together sc (see Fig. 1), then knit another 17 [19-20-23-26] sc., 2 RSTN, 6 SBN. Unfold the knitting and knit the neckline, armholes and shoulder slopes separately.
2nd row: 1 ch, make 1 decrease by knitting 2 sts together sc, 24-[26-28-30-33] sc, 1 decrease by knitting the last 0 [0-0-2-2] sts. together sc
3rd row: 1 VP, 1 decrease by knitting 0-[0-0-0-2] stitches together RLS, 16-[18-20-22-23] RLS, 2 RSTN, 4 RLS, 1 decrease 2 p. together RLS. (=23-[25-27-29-31]) p.
4th row: 1 ch, 1 decrease by knitting 2 sts together, sc., 22-[24-26-28-30] sc.
5th row: 1 VP, 15-[17-19-21-23] RLS, 2 RLS, 3 RLS, 1 decrease by knitting 2 sts together RLS. (=21-[23-25-27-29] p.)
6th row: knit as 4th row (=20-[-22-24-26-28] sts)
7th row: 1 VP, sc to the last 6 loops. Knit the remaining sts. in this way: 2 RSTN, 2 RLS, 1 decrease by knitting 2 stitches together RLS.
8th row: knit as 4th (=18-[20-22-24-26] sts).
9th row: 1 VP, sc, until the last 5 loops. Knit the remaining sts. in this way: 2 RSTN, 1 RLS, 1 decrease by knitting 2 stitches together RLS.
10th row: knit as 4th (=16-[18-20-22-24] sts).
11th row: 1 VP, sc, to the last 4 loops. Knit the remaining sts. in this way: 2 RSTN, 1 decrease by knitting 2 sts together RLS. (=15-[17-19-21-23] p.)
12th row: 1 VP, sc to the end of the row.
13th row: 1 VP, sc, until the last 6 loops. Knit the remaining sts. way: 1 decrease by knitting 2 stitches together RLS, 2 RLS, 1 RLS. (=14-[16-18-20-22] p.)
Repeat rows 12 and 13 until 7-[9-11-13-15] stitches remain. To form a bevel of the shoulder in the trail. persons row knit 3-[5-7-9-11] pbn. Knit a row according to the drawing. Unfold the work and knit 4 stitches of the pattern for another 31 rows to finish the neckline.
Second part of the neck:
1st row: unfold the product faces. side facing you, fasten the sc thread in the center of the work, stepping back from the first part of the neck 2 loops. Then knit 5 RLS, 2 RDC, work the remaining stitches RLS, not forgetting to decrease the loops at the end of the row, knitting 0-[0-2-2-2] stitches together.
Next, knit similarly to the first part of the neckline.

1st row: cast on 39-[39-41-43-45] VP including 1 instep stitch and knit 1 row of sc.
From the 2nd to the 9th [9-9-9-7] rows work sc.
Next, in every 4th row, increase 1 st on each side of the sleeve 1-[4-6-8-10] times. Then increase every 5th row 7-[5-4-3-2] times. (=54-[58-62-66-70] p.)
At a height of 32 cm from the beginning of knitting, decrease 4-[4-5-6-7] loops on each side of the sleeve, at the same time, at the beginning of the row of loops, knit PBN, and at the end of the row, do not finish this number of loops, unfold the work and begin the trail. row. (=46-[50-52-54-56] p.).
Only for sizes 40/42 - 44/46 - 48/50!!! Work another 2-4-6 rows of sc.
For all sizes: in each subsequent row, make 1 decrease in the middle, knitting 2 stitches together until 12 stitches remain. Then finish the product.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
Sew the front and back along the shoulder line, sew on the sleeves, sew the sleeve seams and side seams. Sew finishing trims with a tapestry needle along the back neckline.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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