Shell top
Dimensions: 34 (38/40) 44

You will need: 150 (200) 250 g of gray and light gray, 50 g of pink yarn (40% cotton, 40% polyacrylic, 20% polyamide, 85 m/50 g), hook No. 5
Pattern of “shells” A: number of dial-on stitches is a multiple of b + 1+1 air. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. Start with 1 or 3 air. p. rise instead of 1st st. b/n or 1st century. s/n and loops before rapport, repeat rapport, end with loops after rapport. Knit 1 time from the 1st to the 3rd r., repeat the 2nd and 3rd r. In the instructions, the beginning and end points are calculated as 1/2 rapport.
Shell pattern B: knit according to the pattern, like the pattern from “shells” A. Repeat the 4th and 5th rows. Sequence of alternating colors: 1 p.* each with light gray, pink and gray thread, repeat from *.

Knitting density.
Pattern of “shells” A: 17 cast-on stitches and 7 r. = 10 x 9 cm.
Pattern of “shells” B: 13.5 cast-on stitches and 7 p. = 10 x 9 cm.
Для спинки и переда сначала вяжется сверху вниз баска, затем надвязывается верхняя часть. Стрелки на выкройке — направление вязания.
Back: for a peplum, use a gray thread to tie a chain of 67 (79) 91 air. p. + 1 air. rise stitches and knit with a pattern of “shells” A = 10 (12) 14 repeats + initial and final stitches or 1/2 repeat on both sides. After 9 cm = 7 r. (10.5 cm = 8 r.) 11.5 cm = 9 r. from the cast-on edge, knit with a pattern of “shells” B. Finish the work after 18 cm = 14 r. (19.5 cm = 15 r.) 20.5 cm = 16 r. from the typesetting edge.
The downward expansion is due to different knitting densities and is indicated by a bevel on the pattern. For the top of the back, tie the cast-on edge of the peplum with a pattern of “shells” A in the indicated sequence, starting from the 2nd row. scheme. After 19.5 cm = 15 r. knit from a peplum with a light gray thread. After 28 cm = 22 r. (29.5 cm = 23 r.) 31 cm = 24 r. from the peplum, leave the middle 4 (6) b repeats for the neckline + on both sides 1/2 (0) 1/2 repeat and then knit separately = 2 repeats + on both sides 1/2 repeat (31/2 repeat) 3 repeats + on both sides 1/2 rapport on each shoulder. Finish work in 36 cm = 28 r. (37.5 cm = 29 rub.) 39 cm = 30 rub. from the basque.
Before: knit also.
Assembly: sew shoulder seams. For the sleeves, tie the top 16.5 (18) 19.5 cm of the back and front from/to the side seam across the shoulders with a light gray thread with a pattern of “shells” A, while in 1 r. perform 11 (12) 13 rapports + initial and final stitches. Finish the work at a plank height of 4 cm = 3 r. Sew side seams and sleeve trim seams.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Жилет с V-образной горловиной
Пестрый коллаж: этот жилет создан для тех, кто любит разнообразие! Обе половинки переда и спинки отличаются друг от друга дизайном: здесь в определенном порядке чередуются цветные полосы, зигзаги и однотонные участки лицевой глади. Края боковых разрезов отделаны полым шнуром.
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