The dress is simple and beautiful, a universal option for different sizes.
Автор модели — Татьяна Александрова
Size 40-42

You will need: пряжа ANNA 16 (100% мерсеризованный хлопок, 530 м/100 г) — 350 г черного цвета, крючок № 1.

Knitting density, main pattern: 25 p. x 4 patterns = 10 x 10 cm.
Description of knitting dress:
The dress is knitted in the round.
Tie a chain of 216 air. p., close it in a circle and knit 2 rows of st. 6/n. Then evenly distribute 18 pattern repeats according to the pattern and knit in a circle to a height of 5 patterns (11 cm).
Then, at a height of 11 cm, divide the knitting in half and continue knitting the back and front separately.
On the front shelf for the armholes, leave one repeat on both sides, at the same time as decreasing for the armhole, close 3 central repeats for the neckline and continue knitting separately on two repeats to a height of 14 patterns.
On the back shelf, make decreases for the armholes in the same way as the front and knit two more patterns in height; at a height of 7 patterns (17 cm), close the 3 central repeats for the neckline and continue knitting separately on two repeats to a height of 14 patterns.
knit down from the waistline in the round according to the pattern, evenly distributing 18 patterns.
Knit 7 patterns, then gradually expand the repeating pattern. This will increase the width of the skirt.
Для увеличения раппорта узора 2 ряда вяжите следующим образом: в арку из 5 возд. п. провяжите 8 ст. б/н, затем в ст. б/н провяжите 7 ст. с/н и в следующем ряду 13 ст. с/н. В следующем ряду узора увеличьте количество возд. п. в каждой арке на 1 п. Затем каждые 4 ряда узора выполняйте прибавки аналогично предыдущим, т. е. в арку из 6 возд. п. — 9 ст. с/н, в арку из 7 возд. п. -10 ст. с/н.
By increasing the number of air loops and stitches, you can adjust the desired width of the skirt. At a height of 25 patterns, finish knitting and tie the bottom of the skirt with one row of stitches. b/n.
Sew the shoulder seams. Tie the neckline and sleeve armholes from the 1st to 3rd rows of the main pattern.

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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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