An attractive version of a cocktail dress with open shoulders and knees. The sophisticated openwork pineapple pattern, elegant straps and trim details ensure you won't go unnoticed.

Автор модели — Ольга Мансурова.
Size: 40-42

You will need: 300 g of black yarn (100% mercerized cotton); hook number 2.
Knitting technique.
Pineapple pattern: knit according to pattern 1.

Harness: Carry out the neckline according to pattern 2, the lower edge of the hem according to pattern 3

Hem (2 parts): dial a chain of air. stitches 80 cm long. Knit the 1st row according to pattern 1 (all arches in the diagram contain 3 chain stitches) for four “pineapples”. Next, knit from right to left and back according to pattern 1 from top to bottom (from the chest down). The height of the part is 7 “pineapples” in a checkerboard pattern. Knit the second piece in the same way. Connect both parts together. in columns.
Yoke front: attach the thread to the hem of the part and start knitting from bottom to top from left to right and back with the main pattern, width - 4 “pineapples”. Knit 10 rows in this way; for the 10th–15th rows, knit only the right half of the yoke, also in straight and reverse rows, ending every row (from the center of the chest) as the “pineapple” ends. Starting from the 15th row, skip 1 motif for the armhole and knit one motif (there should be 2 motifs in total). Finish the motif with two “rosettes” (2 double stitches, 2 double chain stitches and another 2 double chain stitches in one single chain stitch of the row). Knit in this way to the desired height of the straps (approximately 41 cm). Knit the left half of the yoke symmetrically to the right.
Back of the yoke: присоедините нить к связанной детали и начинайте вязать снизу вверх слева направо и обратно основным узором. С 15-го ряда (после первого мотива) оставляйте по одному мотиву для поймы с каждой стороны. Высота детали — 2 «анаанаса» в шахматном порядке .
Assembly: обвяжите вырез горловины по схеме 2, нижний край подола — по схеме 3.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Жилет с V-образной горловиной
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