Оригинальная модель женского пуловера в стиле «бохо», связанного на спицах 4.5 мм из смесовой пряжи на основе шерсти мериноса и хлопка. Вязание пуловера начинается от воротника и вяжется по кругу с прибавлениями по линиям регланов, а также в центре переда. Связать такую модель — задача не из простых. Нужно хорошо разбираться в схемах и основных принципах вязания, одним словом, иметь неплохой опыт в выполнении плечевых изделий.
Dimensions: S — M — L — XL — XXL — XXXL.

Materials: yarn DROPS COTTON MERINO (50% cotton, 50% merino, 50 g/110 m) 9-10-11-12-13-14 skeins color 15, knitting needles and circular knitting needles 4.5 mm, circular knitting needles 4 mm.
Knitting density: 20 stitches and 26 rows = 10x10 cm in stockinette stitch on 4.5 mm needles; 21 stitches and 42 rows = 10x10 cm in garter stitch on 4 mm needles.
Description of knitting.
Additions: perform with the help of yarn overs, following. knit yarn overs in a circle, crossing. loops so that there are no holes in the canvas.
Decreases (sleeves): slip 1 stitch as knit, 1 knit stitch, stretch the removed loop over the knitted one, 1 knit stitch, marker, 1 knit stitch, 2 stitches together.
Note: the pullover is knitted in the round from top to bottom, the sleeves are also knitted in the round on stocking needles.

Yoke: On 4mm needles, cast on 92-96-100-108-112-120 sts and perform 6 rounds in a garter pattern. Switch to 4.5 mm knitting needles and so on. continue in the circle (beginning of the circle in the center of the back): 17-18-19-21-22-24 knits. and add 1 stitch (half back), *yo, 1 knit stitch, repeat from * 11 more times (sleeve), 34-36-38-42-44-48 knit stitch. and evenly add 3-1-3-1-3-3 stitches (before), *yo, 1 knit stitch, repeat from * 11 more times (sleeve), 17-18-19-21-22-24 persons.p. and add 2-0-2-0-2-2 sts (half back) = 122-122-130-134-142-150 sts. Knit next. knit circle, knit all yarn overs. cross. loops, there should be no holes in the canvas. Now start adding along the raglan lines: 15-15-19-19-19-23 knit stitch, yarn over, (half back), A.1a, yarn over, 18-18-14-16-20-16 knit stitch. ., yarn over, A.2a (sleeve), A.3a, repeat A.4 on the next. 8-8-12-12-12-16 sts, A.5 (the middle of the front will be in the center of this pattern), repeat A.6 on the next. 8-8-12-12-12-16 p., A.7a (front), A.1a on the next. 6 sts, yarn over, 18-18-14-16-20-16 knit stitches, yarn over, A.2a on next. 6 p. (sleeve), yarn over, 16-16-20-20-20-24 knit stitches. (half back). During this circle, a total of 16 loops were added. For raglan: 2 sts were added in each sleeve and back and 1 st in patterns A.3a and A.7a front = 138-138-146-150-158-166 sts. Knit stitch. all yarn overs on each side from A.1 and A.2 to the next. circle so that there are holes in the canvas.

Now make increases in the raglan lines and at the same time knit the pattern, read the two paragraphs below in full before continuing to knit.
Pattern: after vert. rapport according to schemes A.1a and A.2a continue according to schemes A.1b instead of A.1a and A.2b instead of A.2a. Repeat these patterns vertically. The openwork pattern in patterns A.3a, A.4, A.6 and A.7a is distributed relative to the center of the front and is found in the center in pattern A.5, in which decreases are made. Repeat vert. rapport according to scheme A.5. After vert. rapport according to schemes A.3a and A.7a, then continue according to schemes A.3b instead of A.3a and A.7b instead of A.7a. The openwork pattern in patterns A.3b and A.7b is reduced in pattern A.5 as before, the remaining stitches are knitted in stocking stitch. When all the openwork loops have been decreased, then knit in stocking stitch on the loops of patterns A.3, A.5 and A.7.

Raglan: now decrease in raglan in this way: note: the first 12 circles of increases are included in the pattern according to patterns A.3a and A.7a for the front, but increase for the sleeves and back like this: add 1 stitch on each side of A.1 and A.2. Knit new loops so that there are holes in the fabric. Repeat the circle of additions in every 2nd circle a total of 21-25-27-30-33-36 times (the first circle of additions has already been described above). After the 12th circle of increases, patterns A.3a and A.7a will be performed 1 time vertically, now the increases for raglan are no longer knitted according to the patterns, that is, now continue the increases as is done for the back (8 loops will be added in each circle additions).
After all the increases on the needles 298-330-354-382-414-446 sts. Next knit A.1c instead of A.1b and A.2c instead of A.2b (adjust in which circle you should start knitting according to the pattern, i.e. continue knitting the rope as before and knitting an openwork pattern on each side of each rope). Continue according to the pattern to a height of 20-23-24-27-29-31 cm. Knit 1 round and at the same time decrease 2 stitches in each pattern A.1c and A.2c (decrease 8 stitches in total) = 290- 322-346-374-406-438 p.
Continue working in stockinette stitch on stitches A.1c and A.2c. Divide the loops of the yoke, transfer the loops of the sleeves to the additional one. knitting needles in the next circle, instead of them, cast on new 8 stitches for undercutting the sleeves, place a marker in the center of these loops.
Main detail: измерять длину детали от подрезов. На спицах 178-194-210-230-254-278 п. Вязать по схеме А.8 на петлях подрезов, маркеры будут в центре этой схемы, остальные петли — чулочной вязкой и узором. После того как ажурный узор в петлях переда будет выполнен, далее вязать чулочной вязкой и по схеме А.8 с каждой стороны. Через 31-30-31-30-30-30 см (на спицах сейчас около 218-230-250-266-290-314 п.) перейти на спицы 4 мм, вязать 6 кругов платочным узором. Свободно закрыть все петли.
Sleeves: transfer the postponed loops to stocking needles, also raise new 8 sts along the edge of the undercut, place a marker for the beginning of the circle in the center of these loops = 72-80-84-88-92-96 sts. Knit in stockinette stitch, after 1 cm from the undercut, decrease by 1 p. on each side of the marker (see decreases). Repeat the circle of decreases in each 8-4-4-3-2-2 circle for a total of 6-8-8-8-8-8 r. = 60-64-68-72-76-80 sts. After 17-14-14-11-9-7 cm from the undercut, perform 4 circles in a garter stitch and 2 circles in stocking stitch. Next round continue: 0-2-1-0-2-1 stitches, *6 stitches, 1 yarn over, repeat from * to last. 0-2-1-0-2-1 p., 0-2-1-0-2-1 knit.p. = 70-74-79-84-88-93 sts. Perform 2 rounds of knit stitches, knit yarn overs. loops. Next knit in the round: 0-2-1-0-2-1 stitches, *7 stitches, 1 yarn over, repeat from * to last. 0-2-1-0-2-1 p., 0-2-1-0-2-1 knit.p. = 80-84-90-96-100-106 sts. Perform 2 rounds of knit stitches, knit yarn overs. loops. Next knit in the round: 0-2-1-0-2-1 stitches, *8 stitches, 1 yarn over, repeat from * to last. 0-2-1-0-2-1 p., 0-2-1-0-2-1 knit.p. = 90-94-101-108-112-119 p.
Continue knitting in the round for a sleeve length of 34-31-31-28-26-24 cm. Switch to 4 mm needles and knit according to pattern A.9, at the same time in the 1st round add 0-0-1- 0-0-1 p. = 90-94-102-108-112-120 p. After vert. rapport according to the scheme, loosely close all loops.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Жилет с V-образной горловиной
Пестрый коллаж: этот жилет создан для тех, кто любит разнообразие! Обе половинки переда и спинки отличаются друг от друга дизайном: здесь в определенном порядке чередуются цветные полосы, зигзаги и однотонные участки лицевой глади. Края боковых разрезов отделаны полым шнуром.
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