Cardigan with ribbed pattern

Materials: DROPS KARISMA from Garnstudio 650-750-800-850-1050 g color number 55, light. beige brown
DROPS DOUBLE POINT. SPOKING AND CIRCLES. SPOKING (40 and 80 cm) SIZE 4 mm or Size required. to obtain 21 loops. x 28 row. persons smooth = 10 x 10 cm. DROPS MOTHER OF PEARL. PUGOV. SET 522: 6-6-7-7-8 parts
KERCHIEF UZ. (back and forth on regular knitting needles): Knit all rows with knit stitches. 1 strip = 2 row. persons..
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 A.5. The diagram shows the entire series. in the pattern shown. from the front side.


RAGLAN: Add. Raglan loops on each side. making 1 yarn over = 8 add. in a row. Next row knit yarn over. twisted to avoid holes.. Then knit a new one. loop purl on the sleeves (shown on the front side), and on the front and back, knit new. loop into the pattern as shown below.
DECREASE TIP (apply to sleeves): Decrease. on each side of the marks. as follows: Knit until 3 loops. in the remainder before the mark. , 2 p. together, 2 p. , 2 p. together = 2 loops. decrease..
ADVICE ON INCREASES: All increases have been made. from the front side. Add one loop making a yarn over. Next a number of persons. Yarn over twisted , i.e. knit in the back arc. loops loops instead of before to avoid holes.. out. new loop (shown on the front side) KNITTING ADVICE: For each. 10th row. knit short row. over 5 loops. handkerchief knot in plank. as follows (start from the front side): knit 5. loop strips, turn the part, tighten the yarn. and persons backrest , turn the piece and knit as before on all stitches, turn the piece, knit 5. loop scarf strips knot , turn the piece, tighten the yarn. and persons back.. This is a method of stripes. in plank. There won't be a contract as much.
LOOP. FOR BUTTONS: Decrease. for loops for buttons on the right. plank.. 1 loop. for buttons = knit. together persons tert. and Thursday loop from the edge and make 1 yarn over. Decrease for loops for buttons when the part is long: SIZE S: 2, 12, 22, 32, 42 and 52 cm. SIZE M: 2, 12, 22, 32, 42 and 52 cm. SIZE L: 2, 11, 20, 29 , 38, 47 and 56 cm SIZE XL: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47 and 56 cm SIZE XXL: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56 and 65 cm

JACKET: Knit back and forth, from top to bottom in rounds. knitting needles to make a room for all the loops..
COQUETTE. : Cast on 108-108-113-113-117 stitches. for circles. knitting needles Size 4 mm with Karisma. Knit 3 stripes. in PLATOCHN. UZ. see explained. higher. persons track. row added AT THE SAME TIME. 24-24-23-23-27 stitches. evenly = 132-132-136-136-144 sts. Don't forget ST. FOR BUTTONS see explained. higher. Now knit as follows on the front side: 5 loops. handkerchief knot , 1 p. , 2 persons. (= plank.), purl 12-12-13-13-15, A.1, add 1st mark. , A.2, 2 p. , A.2, 2 p. , A.1 , add 2nd label. , A.2, purl. 0-0-1-1-3, ?.3, purl. 0-0-1-1-3 , A.1 , add 3rd mark. , A.2, 2 p. , A.2, 2 p. , A.1 , add 4th label. , A.2, purl 12-12-13-13-15, k2. , 1 p. , 5 loops. handkerchief knot ( = plank. )
READ KNITTING ADVICE! READ ALL FROM THE TRACK. NAST. BEFORE YOU CONTINUE! KEEP YOUR KNITTING TIGHT! Next row from the front side start adding. for RAGLAN see explained. above, AT THE SAME TIME knit the pattern as follows:

RAGLAN: Repeat increments every. row. 0-2-10-20-20 times in total. Then add. in every 2nd row. (i.e. in each row from the front side) 23-32-30-26-27 times and in each. 3rd row. 6-0-0-0-0 times= 364-404-456-504-520 loops..
PATTERN: Knit the pattern on the base. detail as follows (purl, add loops on sleeves): Knit first. 6 loops add. in A.2, then purl. track. 8-9-7-8-8 ext. loop , knit trace. 6 add. loop in A.2, purl. track. 8-9-7-8-8 ext. loop..

(Size ML-XL-XXL): When A.3 is knitted 1 time vertically, continue with A.2 over the braid. and out. (shown on the front side) remaining. loop from A.3 until the moment you start the main detail..
S/M : Then add. as before on the sleeve and adding. inside A.1/A.2 (i.e. between A.1 and A.2, towards the mark for raglan) on the front and back 1-4 more times. purl new loop
. L/XL/XXL: Continue from A.2 above next. 6 add. loop , out. track. 7-8-8 ext. loop , then add. as before on the sleeve and adding. inside A.1/A.2 (i.e. between A.1 and A.2, towards the mark for raglan) on the front and back 1-4-5 more times. purl last 1-4-5 add. loop.. The item will now be 27-28-29-30-31 cm long from the shoulders.. Now knit as follows from the wrong side: Knit 55-60-67-73-76 loops. ( = right in front), remove the trail. 80-90-102-114-116 loops. on additional knitting needles for the sleeve, dial 12 new ones. loop at the sleeve seam, add blue. mark in the center of these new ones. loop (= sides.), knit next. 94-104-118-130-136 m (= backrest), remove the trace. 80-90-102-114-116 loops. on additional knitting needles for the sleeve, dial 12 new ones. loop at the sleeve seam, add blue. mark in the center of these new ones. loop (= sides), knit the rest. 55-60-67-73-76 loops. ( = left front ) There are now 228-248-276-300-312 stitches. on the knitting needles.. NOW MEASURE THE PIECE FROM HERE.

There are now 106-116-130-142-148 stitches. for back and 61-66-73-79-82 loops. for each before. ?then continue the pattern as follows from the front side:
S/M: 5 loops. handkerchief knot , 1 p. , 2 persons. ( = plank.), 12 p.-12, ?.2, add mark. , 8 p.-9, ?.2, add mark. , 8 p.-9, A.1, 7 p.-7, A.2 0-1 times in width. , 7 purl.-7, A.2, 8 purl.-9, add a mark. , A.2, purl 8-9, add mark. , A.2, 9 purl.-9, A.2, 9 purl.-9, A.2, add mark. , 8 purl-9, A.2, add mark. , 8 p.-9, A.1, 7 p.-7, A.2 0-1 times in width. , 7 purl.-7, A.2, 8 purl.-9, add a mark. , A.2, purl 8-9, add mark. , A.2, purl 12-12, k2. , 1 p. , 5 loops. handkerchief knot..
L/XL/XXL: 5 loops. handkerchief knot , 1 p. , 2 persons. (= plank.), purl 13-14-15, A.2, add mark. , 7 purl.-8-8, A.2, add mark. , 7 purl.-8-8, A.2, add mark. , 7 purl-8-8, A.1, 4 purl-6-5, A.2 1-1-2 times in width. , 4 purl.-6-5, A.2, 7 purl.-8-8, add a mark. , A.2, purl 7-8-8, add mark. , A.2, purl 7-8-8, add mark. , A.2, 10 pur.-11-12, A.2, 10 pur.-11-12, A.2, add mark. , 7 purl.-8-8, A.2, add mark. , 7 purl.-8-8, A.2, add mark. , 7 purl-8-8, A.1, 4 purl-6-5, A.2 1-1-2 times in width. , 4 purl.-6-5, A.2, 7 purl.-8-8, add a mark. , A.2, purl 7-8-8, add mark. , A.2, purl 7-8-8, add mark. , A.2, purl 13-14-15, k2. , 1 p. , 5 loops. handkerchief knot..
READ NEXT. 2 DIST. BEFORE YOU CONTINUE! Now turn it down. and add. simultaneously as follows: DECREASE: Decrease. differently as follows: Decrease. 1 loop 2 p. together towards the plank. in the center of the front detail, repeat decreases each time. 1½; -1½ ; -1½ ; -2-2 cm 5-5-4-4-5 more times. AT THE SAME TIME decrease. 1 loop on each side from the center. braid on the back. ?repeat decreases every time. 2-2-1½; -1½ ; -1½ ; cm 3-3-4-4-6 more times. AT THE SAME TIME decrease. 1 loop towards the braids. in each purl frequent c mark in ( = 8-8-12-12-12-12 marks. ) Repeat decreases every. 3-2½; -5-4-4 cm 2-3-1-2-2 more times. ADD (towards the sides): When the part is 3 cm long, add. along the braids. towards the sleeve (i.e. raglan braid) in the purl. frequent towards the sides.
READ ADVICE ON INCREASES! Add. 4 loops in a row. Repeat increments every time. 1½; -1½ ; -2½ ; -1½ ; -1 cm 3-4-2-4-10 more times. When all the decreases and additions. made. , 200-216-244-264-294 loops. in the remainder. When the piece is 11-12-12-13-14 cm long, knit the pattern as follows: 5 loops. handkerchief knot , 1 p. , 2 persons. ( = plank.), 2 p.-2-4-4-5, A.5, A.4, A.5, A.4 0-0-1-1-1 times, 7 p.-8- 6-11-15, A.2 0-1-1-1-2 times in width. , 7 p.-8-6-11-15 , A.4 0-0-1-1-1 times in width. , * A.5, A.4 *, repeat from * * 2-2-3-3-3 more times in width. , A.5 1-1-0-0-0 times in width. , 7 purl.-8-6-11-15, A.2 0-1-1-1-2 times in width. , 7 p.-8-6-11-15 , A.4 0-0-1-1-1 times in width. , A.5, A.4, A.5, purl 2-2-4-4-5, k2. , 1 p. , 5 loops. handkerchief knot ( = plank. )
ATTENTION: Adjust first. braid in A.4 and A.5 get beautiful. transition between schemes. Continue with the pattern and add. in accordance with the diagram. When .A4 and A.5 are knitted vertically and the piece is approximately 33-34-34-35-35 cm long, there are 316-332-376-396-426 stitches. on knitting needles.. Add mark. Here.
NOW MEASURE THE PART FROM HERE. Now knit the elastic. 8 loops inside. The planks in each side detail as follows:
S/M: * Knit faces. over persons and out. over purl until 7-11 loops. in the remainder before blue. mark to the side. , 2 p. , 2 persons. , purl 3-4 *, repeat from * * 1 more time and continue from knit. over persons and out. over purl until the loop. planks.
L/XL/XXL: * Knit faces. over persons and out. over purl until 8-14-21 stitches. in the remainder before blue. mark to the side. , 2 knits.-2-2, 3 p.-4-3, knits. 0-2-2, purl. 0-3-3, persons. 0-0-2, purl. 0-0-3 *, repeat from * * 1 more time and continue from knit. over persons and out. over purl until the loop. planks. When the elastic knitted over 2 cm from the marks. , add. making 1 yarn over before the first one. purl loop in each purl often..
READ ADVICE ON INCREASES! When the elastic knitted for 5-5-6-6-6 cm, close with faces. over persons and out. over the inside..

SLEEVES: Slip 80-90-102-114-116 sts. from additional knitting needles backrest for circles. knitting needles.. 1 persons. row. on all loops and cast on 12 new ones. loop at the end of the row. = 92-102-114-126-128 sts. Add mark. in the center of the new loop (i.e. 6 loops on each side of the marks.)
NOW MEASURE THE PART FROM HERE. Then knit the sleeve in the round on rounds. knitting needle/double-pointed knitting needles.. Continue center. braid on the sleeve as before but knit purl. over the braids to Raglan. On the 2nd lap. row. start decreasing on each side of the marks.
READ ADVICE ON REDUCTIONS. Repeat decreases every time. 2nd lap. row. 6 more times = 78-88-100-112-114 stitches. Then decrease. 1 loop on each side of the marks. every 2-1½; -1-1-1 cm 13-17-22-27-27 times = 52-54-56-58-60 stitches. AT THE SAME TIME when the piece is 15 cm long, knit A.5 over the braid. in the center of the sleeve, adjust first. braid in ?.5 get beautiful. transition between schemes.
ATTENTION: No need to add. in A.5 on the sleeve, i.e. no need to yarn over. in the diagram. When A.5 is finished. and the sleeve will be 37 cm long, knit an elastic band. as follows from the marks. at the beginning of the circles. row. : out. 0-0-1-2-3, k1-2-2-2-2, p3. , k2.. p3. , 2 persons. , 2 p. , continue rubber bands. like the last one row. in A.5 (= 26 loops), purl 2. , 2 persons. , 3 p. , 2 persons. , 3 p. , k1-2-2-2-2, purl. 0-0-1-2-3. Continue in this way for 3 cm, close the faces. over persons and out. over the inside..
ASSEMBLY: Sew the hole. at the sleeve seam. Sew in the pugs. to the left plank
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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