The men's pullover combines two knitting techniques: ropes and jacquard pattern.
Translation of the description of a very beautiful men's pullover trimmed with jacquard patterns and a relief pattern on the yoke.
The pullover is made in circular rows, starting from the bottom edge.
At the armhole level, the sleeves are attached, and then a round yoke is made.
Description of the pullover from designer Irina Anikeeva
Chest circumference – 91.5 (103.5, 113, 122, 131) cm,
Loose fit allowance – 11.5 cm.

Necessary materials:
Cascade Yarns Longwood yarn (100% wool; 175 m / 100 grams per skein) – 7 (8, 8, 9, 10) skeins of blue (MC thread), 2 skeins of cream color (CC1 thread) and gray color (CC2 thread ).
Required tools:
Circular needles No. 4, length 40 cm and 80 cm, circular needles No. 4.5, length 60 cm and 80 cm, double-pointed needles No. 4 and No. 4.5, stitch markers, extra needle, crochet hook No. 4, auxiliary thread, stitch holders, tapestry needle.
Knitting density:
20 loops and 28 rows = 10 cm of stockinette stitch, made with knitting needles No. 4.5; 20 stitches and 23 rows = 10 jacquard pattern, made with knitting needles No. 4.5; 24 loops and 28 rows = 10 cm of pattern with plaits, made with knitting needles No. 4.5.
Notes: The pullover is made in circular rows, starting from the bottom edge. At the armhole level, the sleeves are attached, and then a round yoke is made. When tying the neckline, if there are not enough loops for pattern D, knit the extra loops in stockinette stitch. Technique used: Adding loops from a broach tilted to the right or left.

Start knitting
Tubular hinge set:
Using MS thread, cast on 90 (102, 111, 120, 129) stitches on circular needles No. 4, 80 cm long, using a preliminary cast-on. Do not join stitches in a circle. Knit 1 row with purl stitches, 1 row with knit stitches and 1 purl stitches. Weave an auxiliary thread from the preliminary set of loops. Place the opened 90 (102, 111, 120, 129) stitches on other circular needles. Place cast-on stitches behind working needle with wrong sides facing each other.
Next row (knit): *1 knit stitch from front needle, 1 purl stitch from back needle; repeat from * to the end of the row - 180 (204, 222, 240, 258) loops on the needles. Place a marker and join the stitches in a circular row. Knit with a 1x1 rib stitch (1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch) until the knitting height reaches 5 cm from the cast-on row. Change knitting needles to number 4.5.
Work in stockinette stitch until the stitch height reaches 25 (25, 25, 26, 27.5) cm from the cast-on row. Knit rows 1-35 of pattern A. Cut off threads CC1 and CC2, and then knit only with MC thread. Work in stockinette stitch until the stitch height reaches 40.5 (40.5, 40.5, 42, 43) cm from the cast-on row.
Division into front and back:
Next round: knit 95 (107, 117, 126, 136) and move last 10 (10, 12, 12, 14) sts onto right armpit stitch holder, knit to last 5 (5, 6, 6, 7) stitches, move the next 10 (10, 12, 12, 14) stitches to the stitch holder for the left armpit, removing the marker - there are 80 (92, 99, 108, 115) stitches left on the needles for the front and back. Cut the thread and set the knitting aside.

Tubular cast-on: Using MS yarn, cast on 26 (26, 27, 28, 29) stitches on size 4 circular needles, 80 cm long, using the pre-cast on stitches. Do not join the loops in a circle. Knit 1 row with purl stitches, 1 row with knit stitches and 1 purl stitches. Weave an auxiliary thread from the preliminary set of loops.
Place the opened 26 (26, 27, 28, 29) stitches on other circular needles. Place cast-on stitches behind working needle with wrong sides facing each other.
Switch to knitting with double-pointed needles No. 4. Next row (front): * 1 knit stitch from the front knitting needle, 1 purl loop from the back knitting needle; repeat from * to the end of the row - 52 (52, 54, 56, 58) loops on the needles. Place a marker and join the stitches in a circular row.
Knit with a 1x1 rib stitch (1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch) until the knitting height reaches 5 cm from the cast-on row. Change knitting needles to number 4.5. Knit 1 round row with knit stitches.
Circular row of additions: 1 knit loop, add 1 loop slanted to the left from the broach, knit loops to the last loop, add 1 loop slanted to the right from the broach, 1 knit loop - 2 loops added. Repeat these additions in every 7 (5, 5, 5, 4) row 9 (12, 9, 5, 13) more times, then in every 0 (0, 4, 4, 3) row 0 (0 , 5, 11, 5) times - 72 (78, 84, 90, 96) loops on the needles.
Knit further straight until the knitting height reaches 29 (30.5, 30.5, 32, 32) cm from the cast-on row. Knit rows 1-35 of figure A. Cut off threads CC1 and CC2, and then knit only with MC thread.
Work in stockinette stitch until the stitch height reaches 45.5 (47, 47, 48.5, 48.5) cm from the cast-on row, ending 5 (5, 6, 6, 7) stitches short of the end of the row. Move the first and last 5 (5, 6, 6, 7) stitches of the row onto the stitch holder - there are 62 (68, 72, 78, 82) stitches left on the needles.
Cut the thread, leaving an end 40 cm long. Move the stitches to a separate stitch holder.

Next round: join the working thread to the sleeve stitches on the front side and knit 62 (68, 72, 78, 82) left sleeve stitches, 80 (92, 99, 108, 115) front stitches, 62 (68, 72, 78, 82) knit stitches for the right sleeve, 80 (92, 99, 108, 115) knit stitches for the back – there are a total of 284 (320, 342, 372, 394) stitches on the knitting needles. Place a marker and join the stitches in a circular row.
Circular row of increases: 2 (3, 2, 2, 3) knit stitches, [add 1 loop slanted to the left from the broach, 5 knit loops] – 26 (14, 27, 30, 25) times, [add 1 loop from the broach with a slant to the left, 4 (6, 4, 4, 6) knit loops] – 5 (29, 17, 17, 23) times, [add from the broach 1 loop slanted to the left, 5 knit loops] – 26 (14, 27 , 30, 25) times, add 1 loop from the broach, tilted to the left, 2 (3, 2, 2, 3) knit stitches - 342 (378, 414, 450, 468) loops on the knitting needles.
Knit rows 1-6 of pattern B 3 (4, 4, 5, 5) times. Knit rows 1-42 of pattern C, if necessary, switching to short circular needles - 95 (105, 115, 125, 130) stitches on the needles.
Knit rows 1-2 of pattern D once.
Form the neckline using shortened rows: 1st shortened row (knit): knit 21 (22, 24, 26, 27) loops with a pattern, twist the next loop and turn the knitting. 2nd short row (purl): knit in pattern to marker, marker, knit 48 (53, 57, 63, 65) loops, twist next loop and turn knitting. 3rd and 4th shortened rows: knit up to 5 loops before the entwined loop, entwine the next loop and turn the knitting.
Repeat the last two shortened rows 2 more times. Next short row (knit): knit in pattern up to marker. Resume knitting in circular rows. Next round: knit with knit stitches to the end of the row, knitting the entwined loops together with their entwinements.

Only for sizes 91.5 and 103.5: Circular row of decreases: knit 2 stitches together, knit stitches to the end of the row - there are 94 (104) stitches on the needles.
Only for sizes 113, 122 and 131: Decrease row: 11 (6, 8) knit stitches, [2 knit stitches together, 21 (12, 14) knit stitches] – 4 (8, 7) times, knit 2 stitches together, 10 (5, 8) knit stitches - 110 (116, 122) stitches on knitting needles.
For all sizes: Change the needles to number 4, 40 cm long. Knit 8 circular rows with a 1x1 elastic band.
Tubular hinge closure:
Hold two needles No. 4 parallel, do the following: * slip 1 loop on the front knitting needle, slip 1 loop on the back knitting needle; repeat from * to the end of the row.
Cut the thread, leaving a 2 m end for closing the loops with a knitted seam. Thread the end of the thread into a tapestry needle and close the loops from two knitting needles with a knitted stitch.
Connect the armpit loops with a knitted seam. Thread the ends of the threads.
Pattern Schemes:


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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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