Красный дарит тепло, а с нашим комплектом вам будет теплее вдвойне! Шапка с помпоном полностью выполнена резинкой, зато широкий пуловер оверсайз может похвастаться богатством структур — от тонких «кос» до замысловатых аранов.
Pullover sizes: 40/42 (44/46) 48/50

Hat size: single
You will need:
для пуловера: пряжа (50% шерсти, 50% полиакрила; 55 м/ 50 г) — 800 (900) 1000 г ярко-красной; круговые спицы № 6 и 8.
Для шапки: пряжа (50% шерсти, 50% полиакрила; 55 м/50 г) — 150 г ярко-красной; 1 комплект чулочных спиц № 7; 1 помпон.
Pattern 1: rib = rows in forward and reverse direction (number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2).
Front rows: alternately knit 2, purl 2, finish with knit 2. Purl rows: knit loops according to the pattern.
Circular rows (number of loops is a multiple of 4) = alternately knit 2, purl 2.
Pattern 2: платочная вязка = лицевые и изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.
Pattern 3: изнаночная гладь = лицевые ряды — изнаночные петли, изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.
For all braids: The diagram shows the last purl row of the bottom bar with increases and then only the front rows; in the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern.
Pattern 4: “braids” A and C (at 33 p.): knit according to. scheme 1 or 3.
Repeat 13 stitches between the arrows 2 times and finish with loops after the left arrow.
Constantly repeat 1-8th r.

Pattern 5: “braid” B (at 24 p.): knit according to. scheme 2.
Constantly repeat 1-52nd r.

Knitting density:
распределение петель — 14 п.х18,5 р. = 10 х10 см;
узор 1 — 12 п. х 18 р./круг. р. = 10 х 10 см.

Attention: Due to the large number of loops, knit on circular knitting needles in rows in forward and reverse directions.
Back: on knitting needles No. 6, cast on 84 (92) 100 sts and in the 1st row. (= front row) distribute the loops as follows: edge and 2 stitches of pattern 2, 78 (86) 94 stitches of pattern 1, 2 stitches and edge pattern 2.
After 8 cm = in the 14th r. (= 1 purl row) knit according to. diagrams, and distribute the loops as follows; by means of increases on the knitting needle there are 92 (100) 108 sts: edge, 0 (4) 8 sts of pattern 3, 33 sts of pattern 4 (“braid” A). 24 stitches of pattern 5 (“braid” B), 33 stitches of pattern 4 (“braid” C), 0 (4) 8 stitches of pattern 3, edge.
Starting from the next front row, continue working according to. distribution of stitches on needles No. 8.
After 37.5 cm = 70 rub. (40 cm = 74 rub.) 43 cm = 80 rub. from the bottom bar, close on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 x 2 (3) 3 p., then in every 2nd p. 1 x 2 p. and 9 x 3 p. (9 x 3 p. and 1 x 4 p.) 5 x 3 p. and 5 x 4 p.
After 50.5 cm = 94 r. (53 cm = 98 rub.) 56 cm = 104 rub. from the bottom bar close the remaining 30 (32) 32 sts, while the middle 24 sts form the neckline, the outer 3 (4) 4 sts belong to the shoulders.

Before: knit like a back, but for a deeper neckline after 43 cm = 80 r. (45.5 cm = 84 r.) 47.5 cm = 88 r. From the bottom bar, close off the middle 10 stitches and finish both sides separately.
To round the neck along the inner edge, close every 2nd r. 2 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 p.

Sleeves: Using knitting needles No. 8, cast on 30 stitches for each sleeve and knit with pattern 1.
For bevels, add 9 (9) 7 rows on both sides. 1 x 1 p. and in every 8th p. 6 x 1 p. (in every 6th r. 9 x 1 p.) in every 6th r. 6x1 p. and in every 4th p. 6 x1 p. = 44 (50) 56 p. On the added loops, continue knitting with pattern 1.
After 34.5 cm = 62 r. (37 cm = 66 rub.) 39 cm = 70 rub. From the beginning row, close all loops.
Assembly: sew shoulder seams.
For the collar, use size 6 circular needles along the edge of the neckline, cast on 64 sts and knit 1 round. R. purl, then knit with pattern 1.
When the collar height is 10 cm, close all the loops according to the drawing.
Sew in the sleeves.
Sew the sleeve seams and side seams, leaving the bottom 8 cm of the side seams open for cuts.

A cap
Description of work: cast on 60 stitches on needles No. 7, distribute stitches evenly on 4 needles (= 15 stitches per needle).
Knit in circular rows with pattern 1.
After 27 cm = 48 circle. R. from the initial row, mark 5 times every 3rd facial scar of pattern 1.
In the next circular row, knit the 1st st of the marked knit stitch together with the previous stitch and knit the 2nd st of the marked knit stitch with the next loop together with a slant to the left (= 1 st slip as a knit stitch, knit 1, then pull it through through the removed loop) = 50 p.
Perform these decreases 1 more time in the next 4th round. R. and 3 times in every 2nd circle. R. = 10 p.
Pull the remaining 10 stitches together with a working thread.
Assembly: Attach a pompom with a diameter of 10 cm to the top of the hat.
If desired, turn the bottom edge of the hat right side out.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Жилет с V-образной горловиной
Пестрый коллаж: этот жилет создан для тех, кто любит разнообразие! Обе половинки переда и спинки отличаются друг от друга дизайном: здесь в определенном порядке чередуются цветные полосы, зигзаги и однотонные участки лицевой глади. Края боковых разрезов отделаны полым шнуром.
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