Polo shirt with set-in sleeves, decorated with ruffles along the bottom edge and stripes along the neckline and bottom edge of the model. Knitted with a simple pattern, very elegant.
Below in the table you will find the sizes for which you can knit the model according to the description, as well as the need for yarn for these sizes.

The original is made with Rowan's Summerlite yarn (100% cotton, 130m/50g) on 2.25 and 2.75 needles.
Knitting density
36 stitches and 40 rows using needle size 2.75 = 10 x 10 cm.
Made according to the text description of the pattern.

The diagram shows both front and back rows. Constantly repeat stitches from 1 to 6 across the width; at the end of the row, knit stitches after rapport (7-10). Repeat rows 1-4 in height.
Description of work
Cast on 146 (154; 164; 172; 182; 196) sts on 2.25 mm needles and knit as follows:
Row 1: K2 (3; 2; 3; 2; 3), * p1, k2, constantly repeat from * to last 0 (1;0;1;0;1) p., knit . 0 (1;0;1;0;1;0) p.
Row 2: P2 (3;2;3;2;3), * k1, p2, repeat from * to last 0 (1;0;1;0;1;0) sts,
knit purl 0 (1;0;1;0;1) p.
These two rows form an elastic band.
Tie with a 4 cm elastic band, finish with a purl row. Switch to needles No. 2.75 and start knitting the pattern.
Row 1: Knit 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p., repeat repeat of row 1 of the pattern until the last 4 (6; 6; 5; 4; 5) p., knit stitches after repeat, knit. 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p.
Row 2: Purl. 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p., knit loops according to the pattern of the 2nd row of rapport, purl. 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p.
Row. 3: Persons. 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1), repeat repeat of row 3 of the pattern until the last 4 (6; 6; 5; 4; 5) p., knit loops after repeat according to the pattern of row 3., knit. O (2; 2; 1; 0; 1).
Row 4: same as row 2.
These 4 rows form a pattern. Work in pattern until back height reaches 36 (36; 37; 37; 37; 37) cm.
Performing armholes
Following the pattern, cast off 5 (5; 6; 6; 7; 7) sts at the beginning of the next stitch. 2 rows = 136 (144; 152; 160; 168; 182) p.
Decrease 1 st on each side in the next 3 (5; 5; 7; 7; 9) rows, then 3 (3; 5; 5; 7; 10) times in every 4 rows = 122 (126; 130; 134; 138; 142) p.
Then knit straight to an armhole height of 17 (18; 18; 19; 20; 21) cm, finish with a purl row.
Shoulder slants and back neckline
At the beginning of the next 2 rows, cast off 12 (12; 12; 12; 13; 14) sts = 98 (102; 106; 110; 112; 114) sts.
Next row (front row): cast off 12 (12; 12; 12; 13; 14) sts, knit 15 (15; 17; 17; 17; 17) sts and unfold the work. Next, knit each side of the neck separately.
Cast off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next (purl) row. Cast off 11 (11; 13; 13; 13; 13) sts from right side. Slip middle 44 (48; 48; 52; 52; 52) sts onto stitch holder, then join yarn and knit in pattern to end of row. Finish the second side symmetrically to the first.
Knit the same as the back, but to cut the neckline at a height of 33 (29; 29; 29; 25; 21) rows from the beginning of the shoulder bevel along the back, make a cut in the front row as follows:
Slit at the neck of the shelf
Next (purl) row: slip 67 (71; 76; 80; 85; 92) sts onto the stitch holder (spare needle) for the second part of the front, cast off 12 sts, = 67 (71; 76; 80; 85; 92) p. Knit each part of the front separately.
Knit 32 (28; 28; 28; 24; 20) rows, finish with a purl row.
Making an armhole
Following the pattern, cast off 5 (5; 6; 6; 7; 7) sts at the beginning of the next row = 62 (66; 70; 74; 78; 85) sts. Work 1 row.
Decrease 1 stitch from the armhole side in the next 3 (5; 5; 7; 7; 9) rows, then in every 3 (3; 5; 5; 7; 10) row, then in every 4th row 1 time = 55 (57; 59; 61; 63; 65) p.
Knit up to the 28th row from the beginning of the shoulder bevel along the back, ending with a purl row.
Shelf neckline
Next (front) row: knit 46 (46; 48; 49; 51; 53) sts, bind off 9 (11; 11; 12; 12; 12) sts. Cut the thread.
Continue knitting, joining the thread from the wrong side: following the pattern, decrease 1 stitch from the side of the neck in the next 4 rows, then in the 5th row, then 1 (1; 1; 2; 2; 2) stitches in 4- m row, then in the 6th row = 35 (35; 37; 37; 39; 41) p.
Knit 3 rows, finishing with a purl.
Shoulder bevel
Cast off 12 (12; 12; 12; 13; 14) sts at the beginning of the next row, knit 1 (purl) row.
Cast off 11 (11; 13; 13; 13; 13) sts in the front row, knit the purl row. From the front side, return to the rest and continue knitting according to the pattern. Knit the first row as follows:
Cast off 9 (11; 11; 12; 12; 12) sts, knit a row to the end = 46 (46; 48; 49; 51; 53) sts. Knit part of the front in the same way as the knitted one, in a mirror image, making decreases for sleeve and neck openings.
Cast on 346 (362; 362; 378; 394; 402) sts on needles No. 2.25.
Row 1: K1, *knit 2, then knit 1 over first = dec 1 stitch, repeat from * to last stitch, k1. = on knitting needles 174 (182; 182; 190; 198; 202) sts.
Row 2: P1, * P2. together, repeat from * to last stitch, p1. = on knitting needles 88 (92; 92; 96; 100; 102) sts.
Switch to 2.75 knitting needles.
Next, knit the pattern according to the pattern:
Row 1: knit 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p., knit repeat stitches according to pattern until last 4 (6; 6; 5; 4; 5) p., knit pattern loops after repeat, knit 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p.
Row 2: purl 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p., knit repeat loops according to the pattern, purl 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p.
Row 3: knit 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p., knit repeat loops according to pattern until the last 4 (6; 6; 5; 4; 5) p., knit pattern loops after repeat, knit 0 (2; 2; 1; 0; 1) p.
Row 4: Same as row 2. These 4 rows form a pattern.
To expand along the edge of the sleeve in every 3rd (7th; 5th; 7th; 7th; 7th) row, increase 0 (1; 0;1; 1;1) p. 10 times , then 0 (1; 1; 1; 1; 1) p. after 8 rows; then after 7 (4; 6; 4; 4; 4) rows. On knitting needles 104 (106; 108; 110; 114; 116) sts.
Knit 15 cm, finish with a purl row.

Rolled sleeves
Following the pattern, cast off 5 (5; 6; 6; 7; 7) sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows = 94 (96; 96; 98; 100; 102) sts.
Decrease 1 stitch on each side in the next row. 3 rows, then in each next 2nd row cast off 1 p. until 66 p. remain on the knitting needles, then decrease 7 p. 2 stitches on each side, ending with a purl row. On knitting needles = 52 sts. Cast off 3 sts on each side in next 4 rows. Cast off the remaining 40 sts.
Iron all parts with a hot iron under a damp cloth.
Sew both sides of the shoulder bevels using a backstitch or mattress stitch.
Cutting strips on the shelf
They knit the same way.
From the front side, using knitting needles No. 2.25, evenly cast on 57 stitches, between the base of the cut and the beginning of the neckline.
Row 1, purl: k1, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end. Repeat next 19 rows as 1 rad. (pattern "rice"). Finish with a front row.
Close the loops on the wrong side.
Place the right front ribbon over the front strip and sew rows of ribbon to the edge at the base of the slit.
Neck strap
Using knitting needles No. 2.25, pick up and knit 10 sts along the right side of the cut bar, 32 (34; 34; 38; 38; 38) sts on the right side of the front neckline, 44 (47; 47; 50; 50; 50) sts ... along the back neckline, 32 (34; 34; 38; 38; 38) sts along the left side of the front neckline and 10 sts along the left side of the cut strap.
Knit 8 rows with knit stitches (garter stitch), ending with knit stitch. Bind off the stitches in the next purl row.
Sew side seams. Sew the sleeves. Sew the sleeves into the armholes.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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