Herringbone Hill Sweater and Hat
Свитер из пряжи DROPS Sky и Kid-Silk. Изделие вяжется сверху вниз регланом, косами и рыбацкой резинкой. Размеры S — XXXL. Шапка из пряжи DROPS Sky и Kid-Silk, с косами и рыбацкой резинкой.
Whole set:
Dimensions: S — M — L — XL — XXL — XXXL
You will need:
Yarn DROPS SKY 250-300-300-350-350-400 g, color 01, white
Yarn DROPS KID-SILK 125-125-150-150-175-175 g, color 20, light beige

Dimensions: S — M — L — XL — XXL — XXXL
You will need:
Yarn DROPS SKY 200-250-250-300-300-350 g, color 01, white
Yarn DROPS KID-SILK 100-125-125-125-150-150 g, color 20, light beige
Knitting density:
15 stitches and 17 rows in stockinette stitch in two threads = 10 x 10 cm.
DROPS stocking needles size 5.5 mm.
Circular knitting needles DROPS size 5.5 mm, line length 40 and 60 or 80 cm for stockinette stitch.
DROPS stocking needles size 4 mm.
Circular knitting needles DROPS size 4 mm, line length 40 and 80 cm for elastic.
Спица для кос DROPS — для вязания кос.
The size of the knitting needles is indicated as a recommendation! If there are too many stitches in the 10 cm sample, take larger needles. If there are too few stitches in the 10 cm sample, take smaller needles.
A cap:
Dimensions: S/M — M/L
Обхват головы: около 54/56 — 58/60 см
You will need:
Yarn DROPS SKY 50-50 g, color 01, white
Yarn DROPS KID-SILK 25-25 g, color 20, light beige
Knitting density:
16 stitches and 20 rows in stockinette stitch in two threads = 10 x 10 cm.
DROPS stocking needles size 4.5 mm.
Circular needles DROPS size 4.5 mm, line length 40 cm for stockinette stitch.
Circular knitting needles DROPS size 3.5 mm, line length 40 cm for elastic.
Спица для кос DROPS — для вязания кос.
The size of the knitting needles is indicated as a recommendation! If there are too many stitches in the 10 cm sample, take larger needles. If there are too few stitches in the 10 cm sample, take smaller needles.
See Diagrams A.1 to A.4. A.1 refers to a sweater, A.2-A.4 to a hat.

To calculate the rhythm of performing uniform increases, the total number of stitches on the needles (for example, 73) is divided by the number of increases that need to be performed (for example, 26) = 2.8. In this example, to increase, make 1 yarn over after approximately every 2nd or 3rd loop. In the next row, knit the yarn over with the knit one crossed so that there is no hole.
Add 1 stitch on each side of the raglan stitch; increase by making 1 yarn over (=8 increases per row). In the next row, knit the yarn over with a crossed knit stitch so that there is no hole. Next, knit the added loops in stockinette stitch.
Decrease 1 stitch on each side of the marker as described below: Knit until there are 3 stitches left before the marker, knit 2 stitches together with a right slant, knit 2 (the marker will remain between these stitches), knit 2 stitches together with a left slant.
Decrease 1 stitch on each side of the marker (=8 decreases in each row with decreases + decreases according to pattern A.3).
Decrease 1 stitch on each side of the marker, as described below: Knit until there are 3 stitches left before the marker, 2 knit stitches together with a slant to the right, k2 together (the marker will remain between these loops), 2 knit stitches together with a slant to the left (= decreased 2 loops).
To prevent the edge of the product from being pulled, you can use larger knitting needles to close the loops. If in this case the edge pulls, while closing the loops, you can yarn over approximately after every 4th loop and close it like a regular loop.

SWEATER, short description of work:
The neckline and yoke are knitted in the round on circular needles, from the middle of the back, top down. The yoke is divided into the body and sleeves and the body is then knitted in the round downwards on circular needles. The sleeves are also knitted from top to bottom in the round, on stocking needles.
Cast on 78-81-84-87-90-93 stitches on 4mm circular needles using two strands of Sky and Kid-Silk yarn. Knit 1 row with knit stitches, then knit an elastic band (k1, p1) to a height of 10 cm (double neck).
When the rib is completed, knit 1 row with knit stitches, evenly adding 13-14-15-16-17-18 stitches - see knitting instructions = 91-95-99-103-107-111 stitches.
Change the knitting needles to 5.5 mm circular knitting needles. Mark the beginning of the row with a marker, and from this marker take further measurements of the yoke.
Now knit as described below:
14-15-16-17-18-19 stitches in stockinette stitch (=half back), 1 yarn over, k 1 (=raglan stitch), 1 yarn over, k 12 (=sleeve), 1 yarn over, k 1 (raglan stitch) , 1 yarn over, k2-3-4-5-6-7, pattern A.1 on next 31 stitches, k2-3-4-5-6-7 (=front), 1 yarn over, k1 ( = raglan loop), 1 yarn over, k12 (= sleeve), 1 yarn over, k 1 (= raglan loop), 1 yarn over, 14-15-16-17-18-19 stitches in stockinette stitch (= half back stitch).
In this row, you added 1 stitch for raglan on each side of the raglan stitches when moving from the body to the sleeves - see Explanations for knitting.
Continue knitting, increasing for raglan every 2nd row for a total of 18-20-22-23-27-29 times = 235-255-275-287-323-343 stitches. Remember the knitting density!
Continue knitting in stockinette stitch and pattern without further raglan increases until the yoke height is 21-24-26-28-31-35 cm from the marker.
In the next row, divide the knitting into the body and sleeves, as described below:
Work the first 33-36-39-41-46-49 stitches (=half back), slip the next 48-52-56-58-66-70 stitches onto the holder (=sleeve), cast on 6-6-6-8- 8-10 new stitches for cutting, knit next 73-79-85-89-99-105 stitches (=front), slip next 48-52-56-58-66-70 stitches on holder (=sleeve), cast on 6 -6-6-8-8-10 new stitches for cutting and knit the remaining 33-36-39-41-46-49 stitches (= half back).
The body and sleeves are then knitted separately. ALL MEASUREMENTS NOW ARE TAKEN FROM THIS PLACE.
= 151-163-175-187-207-223 sts.
Continue knitting in the round according to pattern A.1 and in stockinette stitch until 19-18-18-18-17-15 cm from the split are knitted - adjust knitting so as to end on row 5 of pattern A.1. Change the knitting needles to 4 mm circular knitting needles.
Work the next row like this: Knit stitch on the first 60-66-72-78-88-96 stitches and evenly add 14-14-14-14-16-20 stitches on them, A.1b on the next 31 stitches (add 4 stitches = 35 stitches), stockinette stitch on remaining 60-66-72-78-88-96 stitches and evenly increase 14-14-14-14-16-20 stitches.
There are 183-195-207-219-243-267 stitches on the needles.
Next, knit rib as described below: p1, *k1, p2*, repeat stitches between stars on next 72-78-84-90-102-114 sts, k1, pattern A.1b (=35 stitches) , *k1, p2*, repeat sts between stars on next 72-78-84-90-102-114 sts, k1, p1.
Note! The entire row should now be repeat stitches (k1, p2).
Knit an elastic band to a height of 10 cm, bind off the loops according to the pattern, knit stitches with knit stitches, purl stitches with purl stitches (if necessary, see Tip for closing stitches).
The length of the sweater will be approx. 54-56-58-60-62-64 cm from shoulder.
Slip 48-52-56-58-66-70 from the holder on one side onto 5.5mm stocking/short circular needles and pick up 1 stitch over each of the previously cast-on stitches = 54-58-62-66-74 -80 loops.
Place a marker in the middle of the new stitches (=3-3-3-4-4-5 undercut stitches on each side of the marker).
Knit in stockinette stitch in the round.
When 4 cm from the division is knitted, decrease 2 loops (see Explanations for knitting, decreases on the sleeve). Repeat decrease every 3½-3-2½-2-1½-1 cm for a total of 9-10-11-12-15-17 times = 36-38-40-42-44-46 stitches.
When the sleeve length is 34-32-30-29-26-23 cm from the division (for larger sizes the sleeve length is shorter due to the wider neck and long yoke), knit 1 row with knit stitches, evenly adding 9-7-8-9 -7-8 stitches = 45-45-48-51-51-54 stitches.
Change the needles to stocking needles size 4 mm and knit an elastic band (= 1 knit, 1 p) to a height of 6 cm. Cast off the loops according to the pattern.
The sleeve length will be approx. 40-38-36-35-32-29 cm from separation.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
Fold the neckline in half and sew on the wrong side of the work. It is important that the seam is elastic so that the neckline does not tighten or curl outward.

HAT, short description of work:
The product is knitted in the round on circular needles, from bottom to top. When reducing the number of stitches, change the knitting needles to stocking needles.
Cast on 96-102 stitches using 3.5 mm circular needles in two strands. Knit 1 row with knit stitches. Mark the beginning of the row with a marker and knit an elastic band (= k1, p2) in a circle to a height of 3.5 cm.
Knit the next row as described below: knit 28-31 and evenly decrease 3 stitches on these stitches, then knit the last row of pattern A.2 on the next 35 stitches (4 stitches decreased = 31 stitches), knit 33-36 and decrease 5 stitches on these stitches = 84-90 stitches.
Change the knitting needles to 4.5 mm circular knitting needles.
Next knit as described below: k25-28, pattern A.3 on next 31 stitches (above chart A.2) and knit 28-31.
Continue knitting according to the pattern. Remember the knitting density!
When the height of the cap is approx. 18-20 cm (must be completed after repeating pattern A.3 in height), place 4 markers as described below (place the marker between 2 loops without knitting a row):
Place the first marker after 5-6 stitches, skip 12-13 stitches and place a marker here, skip 47-49 stitches (=8-9 knits, 31 stitches of pattern A.3, 8-9 knits), place a marker, skip 12- 13 stitches, place marker and 8-9 stitches remain after last marker.
Next, knit according to pattern A.4 on the loops of pattern A.3 and knit all other loops.
When 6 rows of pattern A.4 are knitted, start making decreases on both sides of each of the 4 markers - see Explanations for knitting.
Repeat these decreases every 4th row a total of 4 times.
When all the decreases are completed and pattern A.4 is knitted completely, there will be 32-38 stitches left on the knitting needles. Next, knit all stitches 2 together = 16-19 stitches.
Cut the thread, pull it through the remaining loops, pull it off and tuck the end in on the wrong side.
The height of the cap will be approx. 26-28 cm from the inlaid edge.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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