Size 44-46
For knitting dresses required:
450 g of black yarn (100% merino wool, 220 m/50 g).
Knitting with circular needles No. 3; crochet finish No. 2.
The details of the front and back of the dress are knitted in a single fabric in the round.
The dimensions of the dress details are indicated on the pattern.

To begin, knit the sample with an openwork pattern according to the pattern and then determine the density of your knitting.

Knit the pattern this way: 1 time from the 1st to 32nd rows, then repeat knitting from the 3rd to 32nd rows.
Please note: when knitting in the round, all rows are knitted.
The diagram shows only the odd rows of the pattern.
Knit even rows according to the pattern of the fabric, knit yarn overs with facial loops.
According to the knitted sample and pattern patterns, make a knitting calculation.

Cast on the required number of stitches and knit the dress in the round, marking the edges of the side seams with colored thread. Having knitted a height of 80 cm from the beginning, divide the fabric into two parts, make decreases for the armholes and then continue knitting the front and back parts separately.
At a height of 21 cm from the armholes, bind off the middle loops of the neckline, and above the shoulder loops, knit 2 rows with an auxiliary thread and discard the open loops from the knitting needles.
Приступайте к сборке платья по линии плеч, распуская вспом. нить и соединяя открытые петли плеч переда и спинки швом «петля в петлю».
Next, knit the sleeves, making additions for the side bevels along the pattern and including these loops in the pattern. After 46 cm from the cast-on edge, knit 1-2 rows with an auxiliary thread and discard the open loops from the knitting needles.
Втачайте рукава в открытые проймы трикотажным швом «петля в петлю».
Crochet the neckline, bottom edge of the dress and sleeves with two rows of single crochets.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пестрый коллаж: этот жилет создан для тех, кто любит разнообразие! Обе половинки переда и спинки отличаются друг от друга дизайном: здесь в определенном порядке чередуются цветные полосы, зигзаги и однотонные участки лицевой глади. Края боковых разрезов отделаны полым шнуром.
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