Жакет спицами с ажурной эффектной спинкой «Брилльянты и жемчуг» от Дропс
On dimensions S/M/L/Xl/2Xl/3Xl

Baby Alpaca Silk yarn (70% alpaca, 30% silk, 167m/50g) – 200/200/200/250/250/300 grams gray color No. 8465;
Kid Silk yarn from Drops (75% mohair 25% silk, 200 met/25g) – 75/75/100/100/100/125 grams gray color No. 10;
Glitter lurex yarn from Drops – 2 skeins;
knitting needles No. 5, hook No. 5:
buttons 3 pieces.
Density: 17 p. = 10 cm.
Increments in the center of the front: work from the front side using a yarn over, which in the next row. knit a crossed purl stitch behind the back wall.
Increases on the sides and on the sleeves: before the marker, knit (yarn over, knit 1, yarn over), next. R. knit crossed p.

The front and back are knitted in one piece in turning rows on circular needles.
Cast on 105/117/129/149/169/189 stitches simultaneously from 3 types of yarn and knit 2 rows. garter stitch.
Sl. R. (IS): 2 chrome. handkerchief in., purl all stitches up to the last 2 stitches. p., 2 p. scarf. V.
Sl. R. (LS): 2 p. plats. in., 21/24/27/32/37/42 stockinette stitch (right shelf), place a marker, 1/4/7/12/17/22 stitches. satin stitch, then according to pattern A1 (= 57 p.), 1/4/7/12/17/22 p. persons Ch. (back), marker, 21/24/27/32/37/42 faces. Ch. (left shelf), at the end there are 2 chromes. handkerchief V.

Since the jacket has a silhouette that widens towards the top, it is necessary to make additions.
On the fronts, increase by 1 point before and after 2 points of the plank a total of 7 times (instructions above).
At a height of 3/3/4/4/5/5 cm, start adding along the side line (see above). In the 1st row, 4 stitches are added - a total of 4 times every 3 cm.
Total 141/153/165/185/205/225p.
At the same time, knit the holes for the buttons (knit the 3rd and 4th stitches from the edge together, knit together and make a yarn over, which in the next row knit with a regular loop to form a hole).
Make the holes at the following height:
for size S – 7, 13, 19 cm;
M – 8, 14, 20 cm;
L – 7, 14, 21 cm;
Xl – 8, 15, 22 cm;
2Xl – 7, 15, 23 cm;
3Xl – 8, 16, 24 cm.
When you knit 17/18/19/20/21/22 cm, close the armhole with 3 stitches on each side of the mark. (=129/141/153/173/193/213p.). That is, 33/36/39/44/49/54 on the shelves and 63/69/75/85/95/105 on the back. Insert a marker at the junction of each of the parts and set aside the jacket blank.

Cast on 32/34/36/38/40/42 sts on double needles, mark. beginning of the river and knit 22 r. garter elm
Then continue with stockinette stitch.
When you knit 11 cm, increase (see instructions above) every 4/4/3.5/3/2.5/2.5 cm for a total of 6/6/7/8/9/9 r. Then make increases in each r. only 13 times (=72/74/78/82/86/88p.).
At a jacket height of 45/45/44.5/44.5/44/44 cm, close 3 stitches on both sides of the mark. (total 6 p.) (=66/68/72/76/80/82 p.). Set the piece aside and knit the second sleeve in the same way.
Combine items of all parts (=261/277/297/325/353/377 items).
Next r. (IS): 2 p. board strips. in., 31/34/37/42/47/52 p. knits. ch., 2 p. according to pattern A2, knit 62/64/68/72/76/78 p. ch., 2 sts along cx A2 (left hand), then according to pattern A1 as before, 2 sts along cx. A2, 62/64/68/72/76/78p. persons ch., 2 p. according to cx. A2 (right hand), knit 31/34/37/42/47/52 stitches. ch., 2 p. board strips. V.
On both sides of cx. A2 1 p. knit in garter stitch.
Please note that each detail of the jacket has its own decreases:
sleeves and back - 1 stitch in every 2nd row 21/22/23/24/26/27 times;
shelves - 1 p. in every 2nd r. 19/19/19/16/16/13 times, then 2 sts in every 2nd r. 2/3/4/8/10/14 times.
At the same time at 6 p.m. For raglan decreases, close 1 stitch for the neckline before and after the placket stitch.
Repeat decreases 1 p. every 6 r., then every 4 r. 7/7/7/8/9/10 rubles, then every 2nd 0/1/2/1/1/0 rubles.
Next, close the next one. 2 rubles loops cx. A2 and 1 p., which were knitted with a handkerchief. V.
65/69/77/89/95/103p left.
Neck lift
Performed in short rows.
For sizes S/M/L – then knit a scarf. V. In the first r. on all sts, evenly decrease 12/14/18 sts (=53/55/59 sts).
Then knit the first 26/27/29 stitches and turn around, then 15/16/12 stitches and turn the work over, 30/32/40 stitches and turn over, then 24/26/32 stitches turn around, 18/20/24 p., 14/15/17 p., last p. – 10 p. Cut the thread and put it on an additional knitting needle.
For sizes Xl/2Xl/3Xl – continue the decreases for raglan and at the same time knit the rise: complete the first 6 stitches, transfer them to the stitch holder, turn the work and knit to the end. Repeat on the other side. So do 2 more p. and trim the tip. Transfer the knitted parts to the loop holder.
Raise 100 to 130 stitches along the neckline of the jacket (count together with the postponed stitches and perform 2 rows of handkerchief stitches.
Binding the edge of the jacket
Only with Kid Silk yarn and crochet number 5: 1 stitch. b/n, 3 air p., skip 1 p., 1 column. b/n in the outer arch trace. P. – repeat from * to the end.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пестрый коллаж: этот жилет создан для тех, кто любит разнообразие! Обе половинки переда и спинки отличаются друг от друга дизайном: здесь в определенном порядке чередуются цветные полосы, зигзаги и однотонные участки лицевой глади. Края боковых разрезов отделаны полым шнуром.
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