Herringbone Hill jacket
The jacket is worked from the neckline down using circular knitting needles in back-and-forth rows, then the work is divided into the body and sleeves.
Dimensions: S/M/L/Xl/2Xl/3Xl

You will need:Sky Drops yarn (74% baby alpaca, 18% polyamide, 8% wool, 190 met/50g) 4/5/5/6/6/7 skeins; Kid-Silk yarn (75% mohair, 25% silk, 120m/25g) 4/5/5/5/6/6 skeins; knitting needles No. 4 and No. 5.5.
Knitting density: 15 p. = 10 cm in stockinette stitch.
Raglan additions: Yarn over on each side of the raglan (total 8 additions per row), in the next row. knit it crossed. persons P.
Decreases on the sleeve: Knit until 3 stitches remain in front of the marker, knit 2 stitches together. with a slant to the right, 2 faces. (marker between them), 2 p. together with a tilt to the left.

Jacket neck
Using needles No. 4, cast on 87/90/93/99/102/105 sts. double thread. Purl the first row. P.
Next to the persons. R. The loops are distributed as follows: 1 edge stitch in garter stitch, *k1, purl 2* – knit from * to * to the last 2 stitches, k1, 1 edge stitch in garter stitch. Neck height 10 cm.
Jacket yoke
Change the knitting needles to No. 5.5 and then redistribute the sts: 1 st. v., 2 p. together persons. – 3 p., 73/76/79/85/88/91 knit, where evenly add 26/27/28/26/27/28 p., 2 p. together knit. – 3 p., 1 p. in garter stitch (=107/111/115/119/123/127 p.). Mark this row with a marker. Then knit. R.
Next, the loops are distributed as follows: 4 sts in garter stitch, 16 sts according to pattern A1, knit 2/3/4/5/6/7. (left front placket), yarn over, knit 1. (raglan line), yarn over, knit 12. (sleeve), yarn over, 1 knits. (raglan), yarn over, knit 2/3/4/5/6/7, 31 sts. A2, 2/3/4/5/6/7 faces. (= back), yarn over, knit 1. (raglan line), yarn over, knit 12. (= sleeve), yarn over, 1 knit. (raglan line), yarn over, knit 2/3/4/5/6/7, 16 sts. A3, 4 sts in garter stitch (right front placket).

At the same time, make holes for buttons on the right placket of the jacket: knit until there are 3 stitches left, yarn over, 2 stitches together. In the next r. Yarn over with a regular loop to create a hole. The first hole is 1 cm lower after the neckline, the next ones are at a distance of about 8-9 cm from each other.
Next, knit according to the pattern and add 1 stitch on each side of the raglan line in all even rows. total 18/20/22/23/27/29 times (=251/271/291/303/339/359p.).
Then knit the jacket piece straight without any additions until the yoke length is 21/24/26/28/31/35 cm. Divide the knitting into the body and sleeves and make a row: 41/44/47/49/54/57 for the right front of the jacket, remove track. 48/52/56/58/66/70 sts on auxiliary needle, cast on 6/6/6/8/8/10 new sts for undercut, 73/79/85/89/99/105 sts for back part , remove the trace. 48/52/56/58/66/70p. on the auxiliary needle, cast on 6/6/6/8/8/10 stitches for undercutting, finish the remaining stitches.

Body of the jacket
= 167/179/191/203/223/239p. Continue in longitudinal-transverse rows along the pattern with a height of 19/18/18/18/17/15 cm, ending in the 5th row of the pattern.
Change needles to number 4 and then purl. R. knit like this: 4 p. strips, 16 p. on c. A2B (2 stitches added), 48/54/60/66/76/84 purl. and evenly add 10/10/13/13/15/16 p., then 31 p. A2B, 48/54/60/66/76/84 purl. and evenly add 10/10/13/13/15/16 sts, 16 sts across. A1B, 4 p. straps (=195/207/225/237/261/279 p.).
When the length of the elastic becomes 10 cm, bind off all sts.
Jacket sleeve
Knit the sleeve of the jacket in the same way as on the sweater.
Place the neckband inside and sew from the inside out. Art. jacket, do not forget to sew the neckline around the edges. Sew on the buttons.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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