A collection of interesting and original napkins. Part 1.
A collection of interesting and original napkins.
Each project is accompanied by a detailed description, clear diagrams and patterns, which will certainly help you knit the model you like.
Knitted coat made of squares
A warm coat with a hood can easily claim to be a hit in the spring wardrobe thanks to the decor of colored squares knitted in a spiral.
Pink openwork cardigan
Прямой силуэт, крaсивые aжурные узоры, эффектнaя зaстежкa нa три пуговицы — тaкой кaрдигaн пригодится и в будни, и в прaздники в любой сезон.
Cardigan with shawl collar
Cardigan with shawl collar and wide trims Wide, soft, comfortable and, thanks to two different raised patterns, very beautiful
Wavy pattern dress
This warm casual dress is knitted from yarn with a high mohair content. Great for the cold season.
Mustard dress
Mustard dress
Очаровательное женственное платье «Первоцвет»
Очаровательное женственное платье «Первоцвет», связанное крючком.
Red Cardinal. Crochet dress from Oscar de la Renta
Red Cardinal. Crochet dress from Oscar de la Renta
Beautiful openwork dress with a “Leaves” pattern
An openwork dress that you will wear with desire and pleasure. In it you will look incredibly stylish both while walking along the sea coast on vacation, and in an expensive restaurant in the center of a large metropolis.
Tunic with lace peplum
Tunic with lace peplum
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Светло-розовый кардиган без застежки
Нежно-розовый кардиган без застежки — воплощение современной элегантности в вашем гардеробе. Модель привлекает внимание стильным решением с рукавами-трубами, которые добавляют образу актуальности и утонченности.
Розовый кардиган с косами и ромбами
Летний кардиган на пуговицах связан спицами узорами из «Кос» и «Ромбов» из фасонной хлопковой пряжи розового цвета.
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