Кофточка с узором «шишечки».
This model has a certain special charm. And all thanks to the successful combination of a spectacular pattern and a noble shade of old gold.
Openwork blouse
A crocheted blouse combining several beautiful patterns will be an elegant addition to everyday items.
Pink blouse
Нарядная блуза карамельно — розового цвета связана сочетанием квадратных сетчатых мотивов и узора создающего имитацию воланов (подол и рукава).
White pullover with striped top
Gray and white pullover with stripes at the top and an openwork pattern at the bottom, knitted with knitting needles. Bright, practical and effective model.
Openwork jacket with short sleeves
Beautiful crocheted summer jacket. Such a new thing can decorate any woman. Knitted from cotton yarn, it is perfect for hot weather.
Summer openwork blouse
The openwork model for summer is interesting with its combination of arans and lace patterns. And the arans themselves, which are a “Rope” ornament, look advantageous due to the use of threads in contrasting tones.
White pullover with short sleeves.
A summer pullover with a beautiful openwork pattern, knitted in the round with a single piece from top to bottom.
Crochet blouse with round yoke
A beautiful model of a blouse for crochet is made with a round yoke decorated with a “pineapple” pattern; the main part of the blouse is knitted with a simple openwork pattern.
Crochet blouse made from round motifs
Crochet blouse made from round motifs
White pullover “Ethno”
A lovely, openwork crochet sweater with different types of patterns
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Кардиган с миксом узоров РAMELA
Динамичный, свежий, сияющий — этот кардиган наглядно демонстрирует, как здорово смотрится трикотаж нового весеннего сезона Однако наша модель потребует немало терпения и достаточного опыта в вязании. Два вида ажура равномерно чередуются с волнообразными складками и обрамлены снизуширокими планками в резинку.
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