Model House - Crochet
Dresses, tunics, suits
Beach tunic “Dew Drops”
A holiday at sea in such a tunic will seem even more beautiful, as the light shine of the decor will give you the feeling of a festive outfit.
Приталенное платье со сквозным орнаментом
Ажурное платье, связанное крючком сверху вниз из пряжи DROPS Muskat
Two-tone summer dress in yellow and green tones.
Two-tone summer dress in yellow and green tones.
Little black dress
In a little black dress, you will always match any situation, and no one will call you dressed too pretentiously.
White skirt “Snow Queen”
White skirt in fillet lace technique “Snow Queen”
Костюм из “бабушкиных” квадратов
Модный тренд лета – костюм из “бабушкиных” квадратов от Ulla Yohnson
Coats, cardigans, jackets
Жакет из мотивов крючком
Жакет теплых пастельных тонов показатель изысканности и безупречного вкуса.
Long jacket “Nostalgia”
Openwork cardigans look best, because they can emphasize the elegance of the “main” outfit.
Жакет «Изумруд»
Жакет «Изумруд»
Crochet jacket with openwork pattern
If you are a fan of more subtle, sophisticated shapes, feel free to choose openwork knitting that resembles lace. This is a great solution for romantic people and those who love delicate and weightless images.
Cardigan made of openwork squares with fringe
Воздушный кардиган из разноцветных мотивов отделан филейными планками. Завершает стильный образ длинная бахрома.
Knitted jacket with buttons
Knitted jacket with buttons
Summer blouses, tops
Розовая кофточка
Женская летняя кофта на все случаи жизни.
Кофточка с красиво оформленными плечами
Кофточка с красиво оформленными плечами
Персиковая кофточка цветочным узором
Персиковая кофточка цветочным узором
Crochet summer blouses. Part 11
Collection of women's models for the summer season.
Crochet summer blouses. Part 10
Collection of women's models for the summer season
Летний топ мотивами
Летний топ мотивами
Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers
Attractive openwork pullover
Attractive openwork pullover made of shiny cotton yarn in a delicate peach color.
Pullover with openwork insert
Pullover with openwork insert
Pullover with striped yoke
Chain and Double Crochet: These basic stitches are always fun to play with. Proof of this is a pullover with a striped round yoke.
Безрукавка «Дом у озера»
Живописные пейзажи, будто сошедшие с полотен импрессионистов, превращают простой вязаный жилет в настоящее произведение искусства.
Long sleeve blouse
Snow-white motifs, more like weightless snowflakes, formed the basis of an openwork blouse with a peplum.
Lace jumper
The jumper is made from individual motifs crocheted and knitted from different types of yarn. The patterns here are quite simple, but assembling the model will require a lot of patience and attention from you.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Women's cardigan "EULER" with cord trim
Women's knitted cardigan is decorated with unusual cord trim with dropped loops.
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