Coats, cardigans, jackets
Jacket with wrap
Jacket with wrap
Cardigan with belt
A classic burgundy knitted cardigan will become a reliable companion on cool days.
Jacket with lace trim
Jacket with lace trim
Stylish blue cardigan
This model can be worn both as a cardigan and as a light coat.
Lilac cardigan with embossed diamonds
A cardigan made of wool blend yarn, made with simple double crochets and single crochets, is very enlivened by diamonds with cones, as well as a belt and knitted buttons
Jacket with original collar
Jacket with original collar
Жакет «Неподражаемая»
Жакет «Неподражаемая» вязание крючком
Crochet cardigan in light green color
This knitted cardigan is for beginners: the straight piece consists only of double crochets and chain stitches.
Warm jacket with graphic pattern
Featuring a tie belt, this piece is crocheted in a simple stitch pattern and features contrasting motifs that stand out against the white background with graphic clarity.
Chocolate jacket knitted and crocheted
This fabulously beautiful jacket amazes with its combination of a strict, noble style and exquisite openwork. It will definitely become the highlight of your wardrobe and will look great not only with trousers, but with a skirt or dress.
Jacket with fringe
Жакет, связанный зигзагообразным узором, с модной бахромой — настоящий хит сезона.
White openwork jacket
White openwork jacket from Finnish designers.
Chazublue “Frosty Patterns”
Master class on knitting chazuble “Frosty Patterns”
Crochet cardigan made of openwork motifs
A women's crocheted cardigan, very reminiscent of a bathrobe, despite the beauty of the pattern... However, why shouldn’t a robe be so luxurious, right? There is no limit to perfection…
Pink Cardigan and Scarf looks
A fabulously beautiful pink cardigan is crocheted with delicate openwork and large floral motifs. A narrow scarf completes the romantic look.
Jacket with lace trims
Jacket with lace trims
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Мини — жакет мятного цвета
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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