Yellow Tulip Jumper
Джемпер с круглой ажурной кокеткой и рукавами ¾ вяжется из пряжи DROPS Belle or DROPS Merino Extra Fine. Размеры S – XXXL.
Pullover with leaves and mesh pattern
Pullover with leaves and mesh pattern
Пуловер Fat & Sassy
Пуловер “Fat & Sassy” вяжется сверху вниз с простым узором из кос. Формирование пуловера происходит внутри узора с косами, с помощью убавок и прибавок.
Pullover with braid pattern
FANTASY FROM “BRAIDS AND LACERY” is the most beautiful thing in our elongated pullover. If you choose thicker yarn, the patterns will be even more expressive.
Openwork pullover with ruffles
Variety in work is guaranteed: pattern after pattern, a magnificent pullover is knitted from pink TOP SOFT yarn with a slight silky sheen.
Pullover with lace flowers
Pullover with lace flowers
White pullover with ribbon lace elements
White pullover with ribbon lace elements
Stylish summer crochet pullover
A charming long pullover with a stunning neckline and elegant lace pattern, perfect for walking around the city on a sunny day or for the hottest parties.
Pullover "Golden flowers"
A short pullover with wide sleeves knitted with a spectacular floral pattern is the absolute trend of this season!