Crocheted snowflakes. Part 3 is here***
Вязаные снежинки крючком. Часть 5 находится здесь***

The most magical holiday is just around the corner - New Year! And you should start the pleasant preparation chores now!
A very simple, and at the same time quite multifunctional idea is to crochet small lace snowflakes.
They can be either white or multi-colored, it all depends on your taste and how you use them.
And you can use them both in decor when decorating an interior, gifts, a Christmas tree, a workplace, a car, and even a bag or mobile phone; as coasters for glasses, glasses, mugs; and even as a gift itself (mini keychains for colleagues, a set of snowflakes, Christmas tree decorations, and so on).
The list can go on forever; it all depends on everyone’s imagination.
Crochet “Snowflake” toy for Christmas tree: master class

We will need:
- white yarn (100% cotton, 100 grams per 565 meters);
- remnants of red yarn;
- cr. No. 1;
- two beads for eyes;
- some padding.
Master Class
1st p.: We dial a chain of 2 v. p., in the 2nd p. from cr. we knit 6 p/s..
2 rubles: *2 s. without n. in one p.*, from * to * x 6 = 12 p..
3 p.: *1 p. without n., 2 p. without n. in one p.*, from * to * x 6 = 18 p..
4 rubles: * 2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in one p.*, from * to * x 6 = 24 p..
5 p.: *3 p. without n., 2 p. without n. in one p.*, from * to * x 6 = 30 p..
6 p.: *4 p. without n., 2 p. without n. in one p.*, from * to * x 6 = 36 p..
7 p.: *5 p. without n., 2 p. without n. in one p.*, from * to * x 6 = 42 p..
8 p.: *6 p. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p.*, from * to * x 6 = 48 p..
9 p.: *7 p. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p.*, from * to * x 6 = 54 p..
10 p.: *8 p. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p.*, from * to * x 6 = 60 p..
11 p.: *9 p. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p.*, from * to * x 6 = 66 p..
We fold the two parts and connect them: we grab the loops of both components and knit them with. without n. (= 66 p.), stuff the toy.
Now we knit the rays. You can use absolutely any variations, but we took 6-7 pp. this diagram:

1 p.: We collect a chain of 2 v. p., in the 2nd p. from cr. do 6 p/s..
2 rubles: *2 s. without n. in one p.*, from * to * x 6 = 12 p..
3 p.: 12 s. without n..
4 p.: 12 s. without n..
We sew on the nose, filling it with holofiber in advance. Sew on the eyes and embroider a smile. An original and positive toy for the Christmas tree is ready!

Snowflake patterns
Scheme 1

Scheme 2

Scheme 3

Scheme 4

Scheme 5

Scheme 6

Scheme 7

Scheme 8

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Scheme 11

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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Thank you, Lily, for your love of creativity and for the patterns, New Year’s gift. be healthy and happy!