Size: 46/48

You will need: 285 g of Adelia “CLAIRE” yarn (50 % acrylic, 50 % wool; 138 m/50 g) light green; 100 g of Adelia “CLAIRE” yarn (50 % acrylic, 50 % wool; 138 m/50 g) green-yellow color; hook No. 2.5.
Knitting technique.
Elastic band 1×1: alternately 1 concave st. s/n, 1 convex st. s/n.
Hexagonal motif (304 pcs.): Using light green (green-yellow) yarn, cast on a chain of 6 chains. n. and close the connection in a circle. Art.
1st row: 3 air. p. lifting, 2 tbsp. s/n into the resulting ring, 2 air. p., * 3 tbsp. s/n in the ring, 2 air. p. *, repeat from * to * 4 times, 6 times in total. Row finish connection. Art.
2nd row: 3 air. lifting point, 1 tbsp. s/n in 1st air. lifting point, 1 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 2 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 3 air. p., * 2 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 1 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 2 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 3 air. p. *, repeat from * to * 4 times, 6 times in total. Row finish connection. Art.
Thus, complete 112 green-yellow motifs and 192 light green motifs.

Pentagonal motif (54 pcs.): Using green-yellow yarn, cast on a chain of 6 air. p. and close the connection in a circle. Art.
1st row: 3 air. p. lifting, 2 tbsp. s/n into the resulting ring, 2 air. p., * 3 tbsp. s/n in the ring, 2 air. n. *, repeat from * to * 3 times, 5 times in total. Row finish connection. Art.
2nd row: 3 air. lifting point, 1 tbsp. s/n in 1st air. lifting point, 1 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 2 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 3 air. p., * 2 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 1 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 2 tbsp. s/n in the next st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 3 air. n. *, repeat from * to * 3 times, 5 times in total. Row finish connection. Art.

Knitting density: 25 Art. s/n x 10 rub. = 10 x 10 cm
Whole knitted back and front (bodice): 76 зелёно-жёлтых мотивов и 72 светло-зелёных мотива соединить между собой в последнем ряду по схеме соединения мотивов для переда и спинки.
Присоединить пряжу светло-зелёного цвета за нижнюю часть и вязать по кругу ст. с/н.
Всего 172 ст. с/н.
Ряд закончить с помощью соед. ст. Нить не отрезать.
Присоединить пряжу зелёно-жёлтого цвета и вязать по кругу резинкой 1х1.
Ряд закончить с помощью соед. ст. Нить не отрезать.
Далее вязать по кругу 9 рядов резинкой 1х1 чередуя цвета нитей в каждом ряду.
Каждый ряд заканчивать с помощью соед. ст. Пряжу зелёно-жёлтого цвета отрезать.

Whole knitted back and front (skirt): вязать пряжей светло-зелёного цвета 40 рядов ст. с/н. Каждый ряд заканчивать с помощью соед. ст.
Для расширения юбки в 11-м ряду от начала работы равномерно прибавить 24 ст. с/н, затем в каждом 10-м ряду 1 раз 20 ст. с/н.
В работе = 216 ст. с/н.
Wedge (6 pcs.): Knit each wedge separately in straight and reverse rows.
1st row: 3 air. lifting point, 35 tbsp. s/n in the next 35 st. s/n of the previous row.
2nd and all subsequent rows: knit st. s/n, knitting 2 unfinished sts at the beginning and end of each row. s/n together. In work = 0 tbsp. s/n.
Wedge of motifs (6 pcs.): 9 пятиугольных мотивов, 6 зелёно-жёлтых шестиугольных мотивов и 10 светло-зелёных шестиугольных мотивов соединить между собой в последнем ряду по схеме соединения мотивов для клина.
Готовые клинья из мотивов присоединить к клиньям юбки по фото.
По низу юбки присоединить оставшиеся светло-зелёные мотивы.

Skirt bottom binding: attach green-yellow yarn and knit in the round as follows: * 1 tbsp. b/n, arch of 3 air. p., 2 tbsp. s/n at the base of art. b/n *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row. Finish the row using conn. Art.
Neck line tie in a circle as follows:
1st row: join green-yellow yarn and knit st. s/n. Finish the row using conn. Art. Cut the thread.
2nd row: join light green yarn, * 1 tbsp. b/n in the 2nd art. s/n of the previous row from the hook, arch of 3 air. p., 2 tbsp. s/n at the base of art. b/n *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row. Finish the row using conn. Art.
Bottom of sleeves tie in a circle as follows:
1st row: join light green yarn and knit st. s/n. Row finish connection. Art. Cut the thread.
2nd row: join green-yellow yarn, * 1 tbsp. b/n in the 2nd art. s/n of the previous row from the hook, arch of 3 air. p., 2 tbsp. s/n at the base of art. b/n *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row. Finish the row using conn. Art.

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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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