Главное украшение серого пуловера оверсайз — яркая полоса фантазийного узора, напоминающего искры пламени. Эта модель, несомненно, достойна вашего внимания.
Model Alena Filipenko
Size: XS-M

You will need: пряжа A-elita (50% шерсть, 50% акрил, 781 м/100 г) — около 400 г цвета ангора, для узора и отделки: цвета черный, морковный, розовый, астра, георгин, крючок №5.
The pullover is knitted in 2 threads.
Before starting work, make a life-size pattern of the product parts and make all reductions in accordance with the pattern.

Before: dial a chain of 20 air. p. and knit the element according to pattern 1.
Repeat rows 1-3 24 times.
From the wide side of the element, knit 2 rows of stitches up. s/n (there are 108 loops in a row).
Then, according to pattern 2, knit rows 1-4 (repeat pattern 2 times).
Next, start knitting the “Fire” ornament.
First, knit a black and gray jacquard according to pattern 3 (rows 1-6), repeat repeat 9 times.
Knit the colored part of the ornament according to pattern 4.
Finish knitting the ornament according to pattern 3, only in the opposite direction (from the 6th
row to the first).
Knit the rest of the front part straight st. s/n with angora-colored thread, making decreases to form the neckline according to the pattern.

Back: knitted in angora color similar to the front detail.
First according to scheme 1, then according to scheme 2.
Knit the rest of the piece straight st. s/n angora color, knitting the neck according to the pattern.

Assembly: Sew the front and back, leaving holes for the armholes and neckline.
Tie the neckline in a circle:
1st row — ст. б/н;
2nd row — ст. с/н;
3-5th rows - elastic band (alternately 1 tbsp. s/n and 1 tbsp. s/n behind the front wall).
Sleeves: dial a chain of 12 air. p., knit the element according to pattern 1 (repeat rows 1-3 10 times).
From the wide side of the element, knit a sleeve st. s/n, performing increases on both sides in every third row.
Sew the sleeves and connect them to the product.
Tie the edges of the sleeves, neckline and bottom of the product in a circle with 1 decorative row of st. s/n, combining 2 colors (black and dahlia).

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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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