A single-color elongated pullover is completely knitted with a beautiful pattern of relief columns, making the model look very elegant. An additional highlight is added by flared
sleeves The pullover is harmoniously complemented by a long scarf in shades of pink, also knitted with a pattern of relief columns
DIMENSIONS: 36-38 (40-42) 44-46

YOU WILL NEED: пряжа (50% овечьей шерсти, 30% шерсти альпака, 20% шелка; 100 м/50 г) — 850 (900) 950 г розовой (для пуловера), по 200 г розовой, цвета мальвы и винно-красной (для шарфа); крючок № 6.
Structural pattern for 2 p. (knitting in rows in forward and reverse directions): knit according to the given pattern. In width, start with loops before the repeat, repeat the repeat, end with loops after the repeat. Perform transitions from row to row as shown. Perform in height 1 time from the 1st to the 9th row, then repeat from the 2nd to the 9th row.
Structural pattern for 2 p. (knitting in the round): knit according to the given pattern. Rows begin and end as shown. Repeat the rapport in width. Perform in height 1 time from the 1st to the 9th row.

Finishing pattern from st. b/n (knitting in the round): start each row with 1 st. p. lifting instead of the 1st st. b/n, finish 1 connection. Art. in in. P.
Strapping with a “crawfish step”: Art. b/n knit from left to right.
Knitting density: 14 p. x 14 r = 10 x 10 cm, crocheted with a structural pattern with crochet number 6.

BACK: tie the initial chain of 85 (91) 97 v. p. + 2 v. p. rise and knit with a structural pattern, while for side bevels decrease on both sides in every 6th r. 10 times 1 p. After 63 cm from the initial chain to form the neck, leave the middle 21 (23) 27 p. untied and then knit each side separately. To round the neckline, remove 1 stitch from the inner edge in each row 2 times. Finish the work 65 cm from the initial chain. Finish the second side symmetrically.
BEFORE: knit the initial chain of 65 (71) 77 v. p. + 2 v. p. rise and knit with a structural pattern. After 57 cm from the initial chain to form the neck, leave the middle 15 (17) 21 stitches untied and then knit each side separately. To round the neckline, decrease 1 stitch from the inner edge in each row 5 times. When the length of the front is equal to the length of the back, finish the work. Finish the second side symmetrically.
SLEEVES: knit from top to bottom. For each, tie the initial chain of 57 (59) 61 v. p. + 2 v. p. rise and knit with a structural pattern, while for bevels decrease on both sides first in every 2nd r. 2 times 1 p., then in every 3rd r. another 8 times, 1 p. = 37 (39) 41 p. After 20 cm from the initial chain, mark the middle 7 p. and begin to form the lower, expanded part of the sleeve: knit with a structural pattern, without displacing the relief columns, and at the same time in each 4- m r. on both sides of the marked loops, as well as on both edges, add 1 p. 8 times according to the pattern = 69 (71) 73 p. After 45 cm from the initial chain, finish the work.
ASSEMBLY: moisten the parts, stretch them according to the size according to the patterns and leave until dry. Sew shoulder seams. Tie the edge of the neck in a circle 1 r. Art. 6/n and knit for a wide curly binding 9 r. structural pattern. Sew in the sleeves, aligning the middle of the sleeve with the shoulder seam. Sew side seams and sleeve seams. Tie the edges of the sleeves 1 r. Art. b/n and “crawfish step”. Steam the completed seams.
SIZE: 200 x 33 cm
DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Use a pink thread to tie the initial chain of 281 v. p. + 2 v. p. rise and knit with a structural pattern. After 11 cm from the initial chain, knit along a strip of the same width = 11 cm with a malva-colored thread and a wine-red thread. After 33 cm from the initial chain, finish the work.
Moisten the product, stretch it to size and leave until dry.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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