A crocheted wedding dress is an absolute trend this summer. Unlike a store-bought wedding dress or even a custom-made one, a knitted wedding dress has one advantage - no matter what year it is on the calendar, it will always be relevant.
Even 20 years later, your daughter will shine in this dress no less than you. Having been “aged” and thus acquiring a vintage shade, a knitted wedding dress will be even more valuable and meaningful.
Size 42

700 g fine white acrylic yarn,
3 m of lining fabric, 1 m of tulle and 2 matching pearl buttons.
HOOK No. 1.5; 2 and 2.5.
Types of loops
Air loop (v.p.),
double crochet (st. s/n.),
connecting post (connection post).
Fantasy pattern: according to scheme 1.
Shuttlecock: according to scheme 2.

Using hook No. 2, cast on a chain of 160 sts. p. and knit with a pattern according to pattern 1.

At a height of 60 cm, knit 13 cm with hook No. 1.5 and return to hook No. 2.
At a height of 80 cm, close off the central 8 stitches and continue knitting separately.
At a height of 89 cm, close 8 sts for the armholes on both sides and decrease in every 2nd p. 8 times 4 p.
After 15 cm from the start of knitting, close the armholes for the neckline 16 p. and decrease at each p. 3 times 4 p.
Leave 8 stitches for the shoulder and finish knitting at a total height of 107 cm.
Do the second half symmetrically.
Using hook No. 2, cast on a chain of 160 sts. p. and knit with a pattern according to pattern 1.
At a height of 60 cm, knit 13 cm with hook No. 1.5 and return to hook No. 2.
At a height of 89 cm, make armholes as on the back.
After 15 cm from the beginning of knitting the armholes, close the central 32 stitches for the neckline. Decrease on both sides of them in each row. 4 times 4 p.
Leave 8 stitches for each shoulder and finish knitting at a total height of 107 cm.
Детали слегка» прогладить через влажную ткань, наколоть на выкройку и дать им высохнуть.
Sew shoulder and side seams.
Along the bottom edge, use hook No. 2 to pick up the loops of the initial chain and knit the flounce according to pattern 2, marking every 4th repeat with a thread of a different color.

Then in these rapports every 6th r. Perform additions 3 times.
At a height of 30 cm, crochet number 2.5.
Finish knitting at a height of 50 cm or at another desired height.
Using hook No. 1.5, tie 3 rows around the neck. fantasy pattern and 1 r. Art. 6/n.
Tie the armholes 2 r. fantasy pattern and 1 r. Art. b/n.
Подкладку выполнить из белой подкладочной ткани, а волан — из тюля для придания необходимого объема.
Sew on pearl buttons.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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