Свитер можно связать из пряжи DROPS Alaska или DROPS Nepal. Изделие вяжется сверху вниз, имеет двойную горловину, круглую кокетку и нордический жаккардовый узор. Размеры XS – XXL.
Dimensions: XS — S — M — L — XL — XXL

You will need:
Yarn DROPS ALASKA (100% wool, 70m/50g)
550-650-700-750-800-900 g, color 49, light beige brown
150-150-150-200-200-200 g, color 06, black
or yarn DROPS NEPAL (65% wool, 35% alpaca, 75m/50g)
550-600-650-700-750-850 g, color 0618, camel
150-150-150-200-200-200 g, color 8903, black
Circular knitting needles DROPS sizes 5.5 mm and 4 mm, line length 40 and 80 cm.
DROPS stocking needles size 5.5 mm and 4 mm.
For knitting in the round, the MAGIC LOOP technique can be used, in which case you will need circular knitting needles of the indicated sizes with a fishing line 80 cm long.
Knitting density: 16 stitches and 20 rows in stockinette stitch with jacquard pattern = 10 x 10 cm.
Note! The knitting needle sizes are given as a guideline. If there are too many stitches in a 10cm knitted pattern, use larger needles. If there are too few stitches in the 10 cm sample, take smaller needles.

См. схемы А.1 и А.2. Выбрать схему для своего размера (относится к А.2). Всю схему вязать лицевой
satin stitch

To prevent the product from being pulled together at the jacquard pattern, it is important that the threads on the wrong side of the work are not too tight. If necessary, use larger knitting needles for jacquard knitting.
To calculate the rhythm of performing uniform increases, the total number of loops in the row (for example, 76 stitches) is divided by the number of loops that should be added (for example, 24) = 3.2.
In this example, to increase, make 1 yarn over after approximately every 3rd stitch. In the next circular row, knit yarn overs with crossed loops so that there are no holes.
Decrease 1 loop on each side of the marker like this: knit until there are 4 loops left before the marker, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the right, knit 4 (the marker will remain in the middle of these 4 loops), knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (= 2 loops decreased).
To prevent the closed edge from being pulled, you can use a larger needle size to bind off the stitches.
If in this case the edge pulls, during closure you can make 1 yarn over approximately after every 6th loop and close it like a regular loop.

SWEATER, brief description of work:
Knit the double neckline and yoke in the round on circular needles, starting the round at the transition from sleeve to back. Knit from top to bottom. Divide the yoke into body and sleeves. Knit the body in the round from top to bottom. Knit sleeves in the round on stocking/short circular needles from top to bottom.
Cast on 76-80-84-88-92-96 stitches on short circular needles size 5.5 mm using DROPS Alaska or DROPS Nepal yarn, color black. Knit 1 round row with knit stitches.
Change the knitting needles to short circular needles size 4 mm.
Knit rib in the round = k2/p2 to a height of 6 cm.
Change the color of the yarn to light brown in DROPS Alaska or camel in DROPS Nepal, and continue knitting the elastic to another height of 5 cm (the total length of the elastic is 11 cm). Later, the neck should be folded in half so that its height is approx. 5 cm
When the elastic is knitted, knit 1 round row with knit stitches and at the same time evenly add 24-25-26-27-28-29 stitches, see knitting instructions = 100-105-110-115-120-125 stitches.
Place 1 marker at the beginning of the round row, then knit the yoke according to the description and measure it from this marker!
Change the knitting needles to 5.5 mm circular knitting needles.
Knit in stockinette stitch in the round with the color light brown in DROPS Alaska or camel in DROPS Nepal to a height of 2-3-3-4-4-5 cm from the marker on the neck.
Next knit according to pattern A.1. in the round (see knitting tip).
AT THE SAME TIME, in each circular row, marked with an arrow in diagram A.1, evenly add loops as described below:
Arrow 1: Evenly increase 24-27-28-33-34-35 sts = 124-132-138-148-154-160 sts.
Arrow-2: Increase 21-23-27-32-31-35 sts evenly = 145-155-165-180-185-195 sts (there is now room for 29-31-33-36-37-39 repeats 5 sts ).
Arrow 3: Increase 47-49-51-60-55-69 sts evenly = 192-204-216-240-240-264 sts.
When A.1 is completely knitted, work A.2 in the round (= 16-17-18-20-20-22 repeats of 12 stitches).
Knit A.2 and increase as shown in the diagram.
After the last increase in A.2 there are 224-238-252-280-300-330 stitches on the needles. Continue knitting the pattern.
IMPORTANT! If the knitting density in height matches that indicated in the description, part of pattern A.2 (approx. 5-6-4-4-2-2 cm) will go to the body and sleeves.
Knit until the yoke measures 21-21-23-24-26-27 cm from the neck marker. Divide the yoke into body and sleeves like this:
slip the first 44-47-48-56-60-65 stitches onto the holder (=sleeve) and cast on 6-8-8-8-10-10 new stitches for cutting,
continue knitting according to pattern A.2 on the next 68-72-78-84-90-100 stitches (= back),
slip the next 44-47-48-56-60-65 stitches onto the holder (= sleeve) and cast on 6-8-8-8-10-10 new stitches for cutting,
and continue knitting according to pattern A.2, as before, on the last 68-72-78-84-90-100 stitches (= front).
Обрезать нить. Тело и рукава закончить по отдельности.

= 148-160-172-184-200-220 stitches.
Place 1 marker in the middle of the new undercut stitches on both sides.
Start a round next to one of the markers and continue working A.2 in the round.
Note: the pattern will not match completely on the sides, adjust the work on the undercut loops as close to the pattern as possible.
When A.2 is completely knitted, continue to knit in stockinette stitch in the round in light brown in DROPS Alaska or camel in DROPS Nepal until 26-28-28-28-28-29 cm are knitted from the split.
Remains approx. 5 cm to the final length of the sweater, try on the product and, if necessary, continue working to the desired length.
To prevent the elastic from tightening the bottom of the product, knit 1 round row with knit stitches and evenly add 40-44-48-52-56-60 stitches = 188-204-220-236-256-280 stitches.
Change the knitting needles to 4 mm circular knitting needles.
Knit an elastic band = k2 / p2 in the round to a height of 5 cm. Cast off the loops according to the pattern, see the tip for casting off the loops.
Sweater length – approx. 56-58-60-62-64-66 cm from shoulder down.
Slip 44-47-48-56-60-65 stitches from the holder on one side onto short 5.5mm circular needles and in addition pick up 1 stitch over each of the previously cast on 6-8-8-8-10-10 stitches undercut in light brown color in DROPS Alaska or camel in DROPS Nepal = 50-55-56-64-70-75 stitches.
Place a marker in the middle of the 6-8-8-8-10-10 raised hem stitches.
Start the round next to the marker and continue to knit according to pattern A.2, note that the pattern at the bottom of the sleeve at the hem will not match.
When A.2 is completely knitted, knit in the round in light brown in DROPS Alaska or camel in DROPS Nepal.
AT THE SAME TIME, when the length of the sleeve is equal to 3-3-3-2-2-2 cm from the place of division, decrease 2 loops next to the marker at the bottom of the sleeve (see explanations for knitting).
Decrease every 4-4-4-3-2½-2 cm, for a total of 3-3-3-5-6-7 times = 44-49-50-54-58-61 stitches.
Knit until the sleeve length measures 34-35-33-33-31-31 cm from the split (larger sizes have shorter sleeves due to a wider neckline and longer yoke).
Remains approx. 5 cm to the final sleeve length, try on the sweater and, if necessary, continue knitting to the desired length.
Knit 1 round with knit stitches and evenly add 12-15-14-18-18-19 stitches = 56-64-64-72-76-80 stitches.
Change the needles to stocking needles size 4 mm. Knit an elastic band knit 2 / purl 2 to a height of 5 cm. Bind off the loops according to the pattern.
Sleeve length – approx. 41-41-39-39-37-37 from the point of separation.
Knit the second sleeve as well.
Fold the elastic band at the neck in half inside the product. Sew the edge of the elastic to the inside of the sweater to create a double collar. It is important that the seam is elastic, otherwise the neckline will curl and pull.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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