Knitted crosswise: The dolman sleeve pullover is made in one piece from a cotton, wool and viscose blend, making it suitable for different seasons. And you have another opportunity to practice the intricacies of plaits, “braids” and diamonds in the spirit of traditional arans.
Dimensions: 38/40 (42/44) 46/48

You will need: пряжа (26% хлопка, 25% полиакрила, 23% полиэстера, 18% шерсти, 8% вискозы; 150 м/50 г) — 550 (550) 600 г темно-красной; спицы № 4; круговые спицы № 4.
Pattern 1: elastic band (odd number of loops).
Front rows: edge, alternately 1 purl, 1 front, finish with 1 purl, edge.
Purl rows: knit loops according to the pattern.
Pattern 2: “braid” made of cord (2 points) –
front rows: knit the 2nd st behind the 1st st, knit, then knit the 1st st.
Purl rows: purl 2.
Pattern 3: "braid" (at 8 p.) –
1st r. = front row: purl 2, knit 4, purl 2.
2nd and all subsequent rows: knit loops according to the pattern.
3rd row: Purl 2, leave 2 stitches on the auxiliary needle while working, knit 2, then knit stitches from the auxiliary needle, purl 2.
Constantly repeat the 1st-4th row.
Pattern 4: braided braid (16 p.): knit according to scheme 1.
It shows only the facial rows; In the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern. Constantly repeat 1-6th r.

Pattern 5: diamond-shaped “braid” (18 p.): knit sog. diagram 2. It shows only the front rows; In the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern. Constantly repeat 1-24th r.

Pattern 6: “braids” from half a rhombus C and D (for 6 sts): knit cog. schemes 3 and 4.
Only front rows are given on them; In the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern. Constantly repeat 1-24th r.

Knitting density: распределение петель — 26 п. x 28 р. = 10 x 10 см.

Description of work;
start from the left sleeve: cast on 69 p. and knit for a bar of 9 cm = 29 r. pattern 1, while starting with 1 purl row. In the last row of the bar, evenly add 7 sts. 76 sts.
Then distribute the loops as follows: edge, 16 sts of pattern 4. 2 sts of pattern 2, 18 sts of pattern 5, 2 sts of pattern 2, 18 sts of pattern 5, 2 sts of pattern 2, 16 sts of pattern 4, edge,
After 15.5 cm = 44 r. from the bar, dial on both sides for the batwing sleeve 1 x 3 p. and in every 2nd p. 9 x 3 p., 18 x 4 p. and 1 x 13 p. = 306 p.
При этом постепенно распределить средние 75 п. следующим образом: » 2 п. узора 2, 8 п. узора 3, 2 п. узора 2, 18 п. узора 5, 2 п. узора 2, 16 п. узора 4, от выполнить 2 раза, 2 п. узора 2, 8 п. узора 3, 2 п. узора 2, 6 п. узора 6 (начать с правого края узором D, закончить с левого края узором С), кромочная.

For the neck after 53 cm = 148 r. (55 cm = 154 rub.) 57 cm = 160 rub. from the bar, divide the work in half and continue working on 153 sts of the back,
After 76 cm = 212 rubles. (78 cm = 218 rub.) 80 cm = 224 rub. put the loops away from the bar.
Continue working on the postponed 153 sts of the front, while closing for the neck along the inner edge in the next front row 1 x 2 p. and in every 2nd r. 1 x 2 sts and 4 x 1 sts (= 145 sts), then add 42 stitches in the next row. 1 x 1 p. and in every 2nd p. 3x 1 p. and 2x2 p. = 153 p.
After 76 cm = 212 rubles. (78 cm = 218 rub.) 80 cm = 224 rub. From the bottom bar, knit again on all loops.
After 93 cm = 260 rub. (97 cm = 272 rub.) 101 cm = 282 rub. from the bar close on both sides for the “cock mouse” sleeve 1 x 13 p. and in every 2nd p. 18 x 4 p. and 10 x 3 p. = 76 p.
Через 129 см 362 р. (133 см = 372 р.) 137 см = 384 р. от планки связать 9 см — 29 р. узором 1, при этом в 1-м р. равномерно убавить 7 п. = 69 п. Петли закрыть по рисунку.

Assembly: для бейки горловины набрать на круговые спицы по краю горловины 124 п. и закрыть в виде полого шнура следующим образом: набрать 2 п. (= 126 п.), » 1 лицевая, 2 п. провязать вместе лицевой скрещенной, от » постоянно повторять до тех пор, пока все петли не будут провязаны.
Cast off the remaining 2 sts.
Connect the ends of the binding.
Sew side seams and sleeve seams.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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