Jacket with jacquard patterns and zip fastening
Dimensions 34-36/38-40/42-44/46-48/ 50-52

You will need: 10/11/12/13/14 skeins of white (Naturel 0380) Bouton D'Or Legende yarn (60 % alpaca, 40% wool, 75 m/50 g); 3/3/4/4/4 skeins of black (Noir 0383) and 2/2/2/2/3 skeins of pink (Pink Beauty 0279) Bouton D'Or Cocoon yarn (60 % alpaca, 40% wool, 75 m/50 G); knitting needles No. 4.5; No. 5, No. 5.5.1 zipper.
Elastic band 1/1: alternately knit 1, purl 1.
Fantasy elastic band:
1st row: chrome, 1 person, *1 patent person. (insert the knitting needle into the loop of the previous row), k1*, repeat from * to *, chrome.
2nd row; persons P.
Repeat these 2 times.
Jacquard patterns 1 and 2: knit faces satin stitch according to counting patterns 1 and 2 from individual balls using the Norwegian technique, freely pulling the non-working thread along the purl side. side of the product. Start according to the instructions, repeat the rapport loops, finish according to the meaning.

Knitting density. Set of patterns: 18.5 p. and 19 r. = 10 x 10 cm

Description of work:
Back: On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 75/81/89/97/105 sts with white thread and knit with 1/1 rib.
After 7 cm, knit 1 purl. r, persons p., while evenly adding 25 p. = 100/106/114/122/130 p.
Switch to knitting needles No. 5 and knit with fancy rib, starting for sizes 34-36 with 1 stitch, for other sizes with 1 stitch.
After 15/15/16/17/18 cm from the cast-on edge, switch to needles No. 5.5 and knit as follows; 50 p. jacquard pattern 1, starting from the 5th loop of the pattern, 50 p. jacquard pattern 2, starting from the 4th loop of the pattern/ 53 p. jacquard pattern 1, starting from the 2nd p. of the pattern, 53 p. jacquard pattern 2, starting from the 4th p. of the diagram/ 57 p. jacquard pattern 1, starting from the 4th p. of the pattern, 57 p. jacquard pattern 2, starting from the 4th p. of the pattern/ 61 p. jacquard pattern 1 , starting from the 6th point of the pattern, 61 points of jacquard pattern 2, starting from the 4th point of the pattern / 65 points of jacquard pattern 1, starting from the 2nd point of the pattern, 65 points of jacquard pattern 2, starting from the 4th point of the diagram.
At the same time, after 31/32/33/34/35 cm from the cast-on edge for the armholes, close on both sides 2/3/5/6/8 p. = 96/100/104/110/114 p.
Switch to size 5 needles and knit with white thread and fancy rib.
After 47/48/50/52/54 cm from the cast-on edge for the neckline, close off the middle 24 stitches and then knit separately, closing along the edges of the neckline in every 2nd row. 1 x 3 p.
At a height of 49/50/52/54/56 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off the remaining 33/35/37/40/42 sts of each shoulder.
Right shelf: On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 34/37/41/45/49 sts with white thread and knit with 1/1 rib.
After 7 cm, knit 1 purl. r, persons p., while evenly adding 14 p. = 48/51/55/59/63 p.
Switch to knitting needles No. 5 and knit with fancy rib, starting with k1. After 15/15/16/17/18 cm from the cast-on edge, switch to needles No. 5.5 and knit with jacquard pattern 2, starting from the 5th point of the pattern.
At the same time, 31/32/33/34/35 cm from the cast-on edge, make an armhole on the left side, as for the back = 46/48/50/53/55 p.
Switch to size 5 splices and knit with white thread and fancy rib. After 45/46/48/50/52 cm from the cast-on edge, close on the right side to cut the neckline in every 2nd r. 1 x 5 p., 1 x 3 p., 1x2 p., 3x 1 p.
At a height of 49/50/52/54/56 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off the remaining 33/35/37/40/42 shoulder stitches.
LEFT SHELF: knit symmetrically, after 15/15/16/17/18 cm from the non-bored edge, switch to needles No. 5.5 and knit with jacquard pattern 1, starting from the 2nd/5th/6th/3rd/ 5th point of the scheme.
RIGHT SLEEVE: On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 31/35/39/43/47 sts with white thread and knit with 1/1 rib.
After 7 cm, knit 1 purl, r. persons p., while evenly adding 22 p. = 53/57/61/65/69 p.
Switch to knitting needles No. 5 and knit with fancy rib, starting with k1. After 24 cm from the cast-on edge, switch to needles No. 5.5 and knit with jacquard pattern 2, starting with the 7th/5th/3rd/1st/5th stitch of the pattern.
After 46 cm from the cast-on edge, close all stitches.
LEFT SLEEVE knit symmetrically, making a jacquard pattern 1.
ASSEMBLY: sew shoulder seams.
For the collar, using knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 73 stitches along the edge of the neckline with white thread, using a 1/1 elastic band. At collar height 16 cm l. close.
Sew in the sleeves so that the middle of the sleeve matches the shoulder seam.
Sew side seams and sleeve seams.
Fold the collar in half, turning it to the wrong side, and hem it.
Sew in a zipper.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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