Ribbed pullover and scarf
Pullover sizes: 38/40-42

Finished product dimensions: обхват груди — 92/100 см, длина — 60/62 см, обхват верхней части руки — 33 см.
You will need: пряжа Austermann Alpaca Silk (80% альпака, 20% шелк, 100 м/50 г) — 750/750 г синей (550 г для пуловера и 200 г для шарфа), 50(100) г темно-синей и 50 г голубой, спицы №4,5-5, крючок №4,5.
Rubber: 1st row (front): knits. loops. 2nd row: *K1. p., 1 p. p.* repeat *-* until the end of the row. Next repeat rows 1-2.
Facial surface: лиц. ряды — лиц. петли, изн. ряды — изн. петли.
Relief pattern 1: the pattern consists of 15 p.
Rows 1-7: knit faces. stitch, starting from purl. row.
8th row (front): remove 5 p. for extra. knitting needle at work, knit 5 knits. p., then 5 persons. p. with additional knitting needles and 5 more persons. P.
Rows 9-17: knit faces. stitch, starting from purl. row.
18th row (front): 5 persons. p., remove 5 p. for extra. knitting needle before work, knit 5 knits. p., then 5 persons. p. with additional knitting needles
19-20th rows: knit faces. stitch, starting from purl. row.
Next repeat rows 1-20.
Relief pattern 2: the pattern consists of 6 p.
Rows 1-5: knit faces. stitch, starting from purl. row.
6th row: remove 3 p. for extra. knitting needle at work, knit 3 knits. p. and 3 persons. p. with additional knitting needles
Next repeat rows 1-6.
Purl stitch: лиц. ряды — изн. петли, изн. ряды-лиц. петли.
Knitting density: 25 stitches x 23 rows with a relief pattern on needles No. 4.5-5 = 10 x 10 cm, 23 stitches x 23 rows with an elastic band = 10 x 10 cm.
Alternating color stripes 1: 6 rows with blue thread, 4 rows with dark blue thread, 2 rows with blue thread, 4 rows with dark blue thread, 6 rows with blue thread.
Alternating color stripes 2: 12 rows with blue thread, 4 rows with dark blue thread, 2 rows with blue thread, 4 rows with dark blue thread, 12 rows with blue thread.
Front/back: Part 1: на спицы № 4,5 — 5 синей нитью наберите 82/90 п., вяжите 1-й ряд на изн. стороне следующим образом: кром. п., *6 п. узора 2, 2 лиц. п. (для изн. глади), 15 п. узора 1,2 лиц. п. (для изн. глади)*, повторите *-* всего 3 раза, 6 п. узора 21 кром. п., *6 п. узора 2,2 лиц. п. (для изн. глади), 15 п. узора 1,2 лиц. п. (для изн. глади)*, повторите *-* всего 3 раза, 6 п. узора 2, 2 лиц. п. (для изн. глади). Вяжите таким образом до высоты детали 23/25 см, закончите после изн. ряда.
Part 2: in the next persons. row, evenly decrease 10 p. = 72/78 p., and from the last loop knit 1 more additional loop (corner). Make a mark at this place. Then, along the left edge of the part, raise 52/56 p. = 125/135 p. Knit all the loops with an elastic band, observing the alternation of color stripes 1. At the same time, knit a corner loop. stitch, casting on 1 st on both sides of it in each knit. row = 147/157 p.
Part 3: in the next persons. row, knit the first 83/89 stitches, remove the remaining 64/68 stitches onto an additional stitch. knitting needle In the first row, evenly add 18 sts = 101/107 sts. Knit these loops with an elastic band, continuing to knit the corner loop as before. At a height of 46/50 cm from the beginning of knitting, close off 101/107 sts.
Part 4: then remove 64/68 p. from the extra. knitting needles on the main one and as follows: remove the first 20 sts to another additional one. knitting needle, knit the remaining 44/48 sts, evenly adding 16 sts in the 1st row = 60/64 sts. Knit the next row (front row) with these loops like this: chrome. p., *6 p. pattern 2,2 p. p. (for purl stitch), 15 p. pattern 1,2 purl. p.*, repeat *-* only 2 times, 6 p. pattern 2,2 purl. n., chrome. p./ chrome p., *6 p. pattern 2,2 p. p., 15 p. pattern 1,2 purl. p.*, repeat *-* only 2 times, 6 p. pattern 2,2 purl. p., 4 persons. p. (for faces. smooth surface), chrome. p. Next, knit the armhole. To do this, decrease on the left side in every 2nd row 10/9 times x 1 p. = 50/55 p. Then knit straight. At an armhole height of 19 cm for the shoulder bevel, close 26/31 sts on the left side. Knit the remaining 24 sts another 4 cm and close.
Part 5: before 20 p. for extra. using the knitting needle, pick up 32/36 stitches to the left side edge of the part, then remove from the extra. knitting needles 20 sts on the main needle and then pick up 47 sts along the right edge = 99/103 sts. Make a mark on the corner. Knit with all loops, observing the alternation of color stripes 1. Knit the corner loop. stitch, knitting 3 stitches together in the corner. in every 2nd row = 77/81 p. Next, knit the armhole. To do this, on the right side, decrease 10/9 times 1 p. in every 2nd row = 67/72 p. Then bind off the first 32/37 p. and the last 11 p. There are 24 p. left in the center.
Part 6: knit the remaining 24 sts, evenly adding 3 sts in the next row (purl) = 27 sts. Next row (front): chrome. p., 6 p. pattern 2,2 p. p. (for purl stitch), 15 p. pattern 1,2 purl. p., 1 chrome. p. Knit 10/12 cm in this way and bind off all the loops.
Sleeves: on knitting needles No. 4.5-5, cast on 43 sts with blue thread. Knit with an elastic band, adding sleeve bevels on both sides 10 times x 1 st in every 8th row and 5 times x 1 st in every 6th row = 73 p. At a height of 50 cm from the beginning of knitting for the sleeve roll, decrease on both sides 8 times x 1 p. in every 2nd row. At a total height of 57 cm, bind off the remaining 57 sts.
Pullover assembly: Sew the seams between part 5 and part 6, and then the remaining seams.
On knitting needles No. 4.5-5, cast on 41 stitches with blue thread. Knit with an elastic band, observing the alternation of stripes 2 until the height of the part is 180 cm. Then knit another 12 rows with blue thread and bind off the loops. Crochet the scarf across the faces. side 1st next to Art. b/n.

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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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