Свитер с круглой кокеткой, разработанный Кейт Ганьон Осборн, украшен традиционными жаккардовыми узорами двух оттенков серого. Изделие вяжется по кругу снизу вверх. Для набора петель используется тубулярный метод, затем выполняется резинка 1 х1. Завершает картину классический воротник гольф, горловина спинки выполнена укороченными рядами для удобной посадки. Здесь используется пряжа Scoutot Kelbourne Woolens — чистая шерсть, представленная множеством оттенков.

Features of work:
When making sleeve increases, add 1 stitch slanted to the left at the beginning of the circular row and 1 stitch slanted to the right at the end of the circular row. The sleeves and front and back are knitted separately and then joined to make the yoke. The neckline is done in short rows.
Sleeve increases are included in the counting pattern of the jacquard pattern. At the end a golf collar is knitted. When making patterns for the sleeves and yoke, pay special attention to the size, as different patterns are used depending on the size. If you prefer not to use the tubular method of casting on and casting off loops, you can use the regular method.
Jacquard patterns are knitted in stockinette stitch using the jacquard technique; when changing the color of the thread, cross them on the wrong side of the work to avoid unwanted holes.
Special techniques and techniques:
Tubular cast-on: make a slip knot with the long end of the yarn on the right needle, placing the yarn in your left hand as if you were starting a regular cast-on.
Attention: this knot counts as 1 knit.
Step 1: Purl stitch cast on
From under the thread leading to the index finger, grab the thread leading to the thumb and bring the knitting needle out from under the thread of the index finger - 1 purl loop is cast on.
Step 2: cast on a knit stitch from under the thread going to the thumb, grab the thread going to the index finger and bring the knitting needle out from under the thread of the thumb—1 knit stitch is cast on.
Repeat steps 1-2 until the required number of stitches is cast, finishing with 1 purl.
Note: Many knitters work the last purl stitch like a chain stitch to secure the cast-on row.
Tubular method of closing loops:
1st round row: alternately knit 1, slip 1 loop like a purl (thread before work).
2nd round row: alternately remove 1 loop as a purl (thread behind the work), 1 purl.
Transfer all purl stitches to a separate pair of circular needles. Cut the working thread so that the end is approximately three times longer than the row to be closed. Thread the thread through a tapestry needle.
Closing the loops:
Step 1: Insert a tapestry needle into the first stitch on the front needle, like a purl stitch. Pull the needle through and leave a loop on the knitting needle.
Step 2: Insert a tapestry needle into the first stitch on the back needle, as if it were a knit stitch. Pull the needle through and leave a loop on the knitting needle.
Step 3: Insert a tapestry needle into the first stitch on the front needle, like a knit stitch. Pull the needle through and remove the loop from the knitting needle.
Step 4: Insert a tapestry needle into the first stitch on the front needle, like a purl stitch. Pull the needle through and leave a loop on the knitting needle.
Step 5: Insert a tapestry needle into the first stitch on the back needle, like a purl stitch. Pull the needle through and remove the loop from the knitting needle.
Step6: Insert a tapestry needle into the first stitch on the back needle, just like a knitting needle. Pull the needle through and leave a loop on the knitting needle.
Repeat steps 3-6 to bind off the stitches, tightening the working thread to repeat the fabric pattern.
Special conventions:
Add 1 loop slanted to the left: insert the left knitting needle under the transverse thread between the knitting needles from front to back and knit behind the back wall.
Add 1 loop slanted to the right: insert the left knitting needle under the transverse thread between the knitting needles from back to front and knit behind the front wall.
Decrease 1 loop with a slip: slip off 2 loops one by one, like knit stitches, then thread the left knitting needle into the removed loops from left to right behind the front walls of these loops and knit both loops together with a knit stitch behind the back wall.
Elastic band (number of loops is a multiple of 2):
1st round row (= front row): alternately 1 knit, 1 purl.
Facial surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Description of knitting a sweater with a round Rainier yoke
Back and front
On circular knitting needles No. 3.5, using a graphite-gray thread and a tubular cast-on, cast on 192 (208: 232: 256: 272: 296: 320) stitches.
1st row (installation front row): alternately 1 front crossed, remove 1 loop (thread before work).
2nd row (installation purl row): alternately knit 1, remove 1 loop (thread before, work).
Connect the loops into a ring and mark the beginning of the circular row with a contrasting thread. Knit for the bottom strap 4.5 cm with an elastic band.
Switch to circular needles No. 4.
Knit 2 round rows with graphite gray thread.
Next, knit with a jacquard pattern according to a counted pattern for the back and front.
Complete rows 1-44 of the jacquard pattern according to the counting pattern.

Next, switch to a silver-gray thread and knit until the back/front height is 43 cm from the cast-on row, work the last round as follows: knit to the end of the row, remove mark, 6 (7: 7: 9: 9: 10: 10) facial.
Set aside the loops. Do not cut the silver-gray thread.
On circular knitting needles No. 3.5, using a graphite-gray thread using a tubular cast-on, cast on 44 (46: 46: 52: 52: 54: 54) loops for each sleeve.
1st row (installation front row): alternately 1 front crossed, remove 1 loop (thread before work).
2nd row (installation purl row): alternate knit 1, remove 1 loop (thread before work).
Connect the loops into a ring and mark the beginning of the circular row with a contrasting thread.
Tie for the strap 3 cm with an elastic band.
Switch to circular needles No. 4.
Knit 1 round row.
Next round (= increase row): alternate knit 11 (23: 23: 13: 13: 27: 27), inc 1 = 48 (48: 48: 56: 56: 56: 56) stitches.
Next, knit with a jacquard pattern according to counted patterns.
Sizes XS, S, M and L
Knit rows 1-35 of the jacquard pattern using counted pattern A = 54 (54: 54: 62: -: -: -) loops.
Sizes XL, XXL and XXXXL
Knit 1-35 rows of jacquard pattern using counted pattern B = -(-: -: -: 66: 66: 66) stitches.

All sizes
Switch to silver-gray thread.
Knit 1 round row with knit stitches.
Next round (= increase row): knit 2, increase 1 stitch left, knit to last stitch, add 1 stitch right, knit 1 = 2 stitches added.
Work 8 (7: 5: 7: 7: 5: 4) circular rows without increasing.
Repeat previous 9 (8: 7: 8: 8: 7: 6) rounds another 6 (8: 10: 8: 8: 10: 12) times = 68 (72:76: 80: 84: 88: 92) stitches .
Continue working in stockinette stitch without increasing until the sleeve height is 43 cm from the cast-on row.
Work the last round as follows: knit to last 5 (6: 6: 7: 7: 8: 8) stitches, slip next 11 (13: 13: 17: 17: 19: 19) stitches, remove mark.
Cut the thread.

Connection of back, front and sleeves
Using silver-gray thread on circular needles No. 4, knit 85 (91: 103: 111: 119: 129: 141) back stitches, set aside the next 11 (13: 13: 17: 17: 19: 19) stitches, make a mark with a contrasting thread , knit 57 (59: 63: 63: 67: 69: 73) sleeve loops, make a mark with a contrasting thread, knit 85 (91: 103: 111: 119: 129: 141) front stitches, set aside the next 11 (13 : 13: 17: 17: 19: 19) stitches, mark with contrasting thread, knit 57 (59: 63: 63: 67: 69: 73) sleeve stitches = 284 (300: 332: 348: 372: 396: 428) loops.
Connect the loops into a ring and mark the beginning of the circular row with a contrasting thread.
The end of row mark is now located at the beginning of the right back armhole.
Next, perform raglan decreases.
1st round with decreases: * 1 knit, knit 2 stitches together, knit up to 3 loops before the mark, decrease 1 loop with a shift, 1 knit, move the mark, repeat from * 3 more times = 8 loops decreased.
2nd round row: knit stitches.
Rep previous 2 rounds 2 (2: 3: 3: 6: 7: 11) more times, then work 1st round 1 more time = 252 (268: 292: 308: 308: 324: 324) sts.
Next, knit in short rows.
1st row: knit to the mark, move the mark, knit 15, twist the loop and turn the work.
2nd row: knit purl to the mark, move the mark, knit purl to the end of the circular row, move the mark, purl 15, twist the loop and turn the work.
Row 3: Knit up to 10 stitches in front of the wrapped loop, wrap around the loop and turn the work.
4th row: purl up to 10 stitches in front of the wrapped loop, wrap around the loop and turn
Repeat the previous 2 rows 4 more times = 6 twisted loops on each side of the back.
Next row (= front row): knit until the end of the row, with loops wrapped around
knit together with the wrapping thread.
Then knit again in circular rows.
The following circular row with decreases: * 1 knit, knit 2 stitches together, knit up to 3 stitches before the mark, decrease 1 loop with a shift, 1 knit, move the mark, knit to the mark, move the mark, repeat from * to the end of the round row, in this case, if necessary, knit the entwined loops together with the entwining thread = 248 (264: 288: 304: 304: 320: 320) loops.
Next, make jacquard patterns according to counting patterns for the yoke.
Knit rows 1-11 of the jacquard pattern according to counting pattern A.
Knit the 1st-5th row of the jacquard pattern according to the counted pattern B = 217 (231: 252: 266: 266: 280: 280) loops after the 1st circular row.
Knit the 1st-11th row of the jacquard pattern according to counting pattern C, with the 1st circular row performed as follows: alternately remove 1 loop, knit according to the pattern = 186 (198: 216: 228: 228: 240: 240) loops.
Knit rows 1-15 of the jacquard pattern according to the counted pattern D = 155 (165: 180: 190: 190: 200: 200) stitches after the 1st round and 124 (132: 144: 152: 152: 160: 160) stitches after 6th round row.

Continue knitting only with silver-gray thread.
Knit 2 round rows.
Next round with decreases: *Knit 2, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from * to end of round = 93 (99: 108: 114: 114: 120: 120) sts.
Knit 2 round rows.
Size XS
Knit 2 stitches together, knit until the end of the row = 92 (-:-:-:-:-:-) stitches.
Size S
* Knit 31, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from * to end of round = – (96:-:-:-:-:-:-) stitches.
Size M
Knit 4, * knit 11, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from * to the end of the round
Row = -(-: 100:-:-:-:-) loops.
Sizes L and XL
Knit 2, * knit 6, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from * to end of round = -(-:-: 100: 100:-:-) stitches.
Sizes XXL and XXXXL
*Knit 4, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from * to end of round = – (-:-:-:-:100: 100) stitches.

Switch to circular needles No. 3.5.
Tie 17 cm with an elastic band.
Close all loops using the tubular method of closing loops.
Sew seams along the bottom edge of the armholes using a knitted stitch.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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