10 dresses made from giant flowers on a mesh
Гигантские цветы на прозрачной сетке привлекают внимание и волнуют воображение, Наденьте вниз чехол — получите сногсшибательный вечерний образ.
Collection of three-dimensional patterns. 3-D square – part 6-7-8
The humble granny square gets a new look in a collection of 3D crochet patterns
Linen sundress with crochet yoke
Summer pleases us with warmth and good mood, so we want to wear the most comfortable and beautiful clothes. The hit of the season is crocheted dresses with openwork patterns.
Turquoise charm. Openwork costume from motifs
Turquoise charm. The suit of a top with wings and a long flared skirt captivates with its beauty! It is impossible to take your eyes off him!
Floral Diamond Pullover
Working on this model requires a fair amount of skill and patience, but the result is worth it!
Collection of three-dimensional patterns. 3-D square – part 3-4-5
The humble granny square gets a new look in a collection of 3D crochet patterns
Collection of three-dimensional patterns. 3-D square - part 1 and 2.
The humble granny square gets a new look in this collection of 3D crochet patterns. Choose your favorite!
Вязание крючком — Розы Макинтоша
Тем, кто хорошо владеет крючком, вполне по плечу связать ажурную тунику или палантин по мастер — классу «Роза Макинтоша».
Knitted dress from motifs
Платье из белой пряжи с цветными вкраплениями связано из шестиугольных мотивов спицами.
Crochet lace chazuble or floor-length cardigan
Delicate, elegant, luxurious and openwork chazuble will instantly charm you. It can be called a cardigan or a floor-length summer coat.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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