Knitted dress with crochet motifs
Incredibly beautiful colored circles in skillful hands turn into a chic long dress. This model looks unusually romantic and feminine.
Blouse with a round yoke
The blouse with a round yoke is crocheted from beautiful motifs.
Summer top and handbag made of motifs.
This summer top with a bob neckline is knitted from flower elements in a square. Part of the nickname is two-color (the top of the product) and part is monochrome - the hem. An elegant handbag is knitted with monochrome motifs
Summer knitted dress
Perfection itself: a variety of patterns, executed in a delicate blue color, perfectly complement the simple silhouette of this openwork summer dress.
Мини — платье из цветочных мотивов
Воздушное и невесомое кружевное мини — платье из цветочных мотивов выполнено крючком.Платье мягко облегают фигуру, придает ей изящество и легкость.
Blouse made of openwork motifs
Blouses that are knitted with motifs turn out to be very airy, light, delicate and weightless. And they always look great!
Платье » Сирень»
Платье — образец женственности и изысканного вкуса. Популярный оттенок лаванды и невероятный микс узоров не оставят равнодушными всех ценителей прекрасного.
Crochet dress with lace inserts
Real lace knitted dress! It attracts attention thanks to its romantic openwork patterns and dazzling white color.
Юбка — Домино
Beautiful crochet skirt model from a Japanese magazine! It can be perceived as an idea, and if you are comfortable with diagrams, then connecting it will not be difficult.
Openwork sundress
The openwork sundress is made of beautiful motifs using the ribbon lace technique.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Pullover with openwork braid pattern
Удобный пуловер свободной формы сияет коралловым цветом. Сплошная ажурная структура из «кос» вносит еще больше оживления в образ.
Свитер Brora
Green openwork pullover
Пуловер с эффектными «косами» ORTRUD
Даже в снег и холод можно сохранить шик благодаря повседневному шерстяному пуловеру со смещенными «косами» из резинки. Узор довольно сложен, да и подчеркнутые убавки по линиям реглана тоже требуют мастерства.
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