Мастер класс — Стильное пальто крючком
The unique development impresses with the simplicity of the individual parts from which the model is assembled, the excellent selection of colors, the thoughtfulness and effectiveness of the decor.
Coat with braids and pockets
A universal coat, however, can replace a cardigan, which will keep you warm, comfortable and stylish.
Coat with plait pattern
A beautiful coat for warm autumn days.
Coat with embossed knitting pattern
This green coat is simply necessary in your wardrobe, because spring should be in the soul of every woman, even in autumn!
Knitted coat with knitting needles diagonally
The coat enchants with its dynamics: the eye glides along the colored stripes of the side triangle, along the vertical stripe, clings to the intricate asymmetrical collar, glides down again...
Gray coat with cone pattern
Gray coat with cone pattern
Crochet knitted summer coat
Some follow the latest fashion trends and try to follow them, others prefer the classics. And we choose femininity! This is something that definitely never goes out of style.
«Солнечное» пальто в желто — зеленых тонах
For a trendy short coat, we chose clean, bright colors that will immediately lift your spirits on a cloudy day. The variety of shades of soft worsted yarn will allow you to choose your favorite combination.
Colored maxi coat
The hot sun of Mexico will look into your wardrobe with this coat! The maxi length is filled with vibrant color combinations from top to bottom and is crocheted from organic cotton.
Brown coat
Крупная вязка, только столбики с накидом и несколько кружевных мотивов — свяжите быстро, получится красиво и несложно, а если выбрать светлые цвета ниток — то и нарядно будет!
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Pullover with openwork braid pattern
Удобный пуловер свободной формы сияет коралловым цветом. Сплошная ажурная структура из «кос» вносит еще больше оживления в образ.
Свитер Brora
Green openwork pullover
Пуловер с эффектными «косами» ORTRUD
Даже в снег и холод можно сохранить шик благодаря повседневному шерстяному пуловеру со смещенными «косами» из резинки. Узор довольно сложен, да и подчеркнутые убавки по линиям реглана тоже требуют мастерства.
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