Pullover "Maple leaves"
Crochet autumn maple leaves. You are probably already familiar with knitting patterns for maple leaves? And for me they are autumn. This real effect of fallen autumn leaves is created by the yarn used for knitting - section-dyed yarn.
Bolero with Irish motifs
Интересное болеро крючком связано из красивых мотивов ирландского кружева.
Stylish crochet coat
The unique development impresses with the simplicity of the individual parts from which the model is assembled, the excellent selection of colors, the thoughtfulness and effectiveness of the decor.
A selection of patterns for crocheting beautiful hearts. Part 1.
The approach of Valentine's Day awakens romantic notes in our souls, the desire to invent and make valentines.
Кардиган — Японский сад
Кардиган — Ирландские розы в японском саду — выполнен в технике ирландского кружева.
Шаль «Медальоны»
Шаль- пончо «Медальоны» — шикарный наряд для вечерних летних прогулок, а также межсезонье осень-весна!
New Year's decor
New year, new year, soon, soon it will come! Are you preparing for the New Year? Everyone's favorite holiday, which all children look forward to!
Jacket made of lace squares
Jacket made of lace squares
Crochet New Year's ball
If you are looking for an unusual Christmas tree decoration, then be sure to use the tips from our master class on how to crochet a New Year's ball.
Crochet Christmas decorations
What a miracle? The traditional New Year's beauty is decorated in a completely new way!
Read the Course carefully and, without wasting time, get to work. Don't be lazy and tie a couple more balls. Why not a gift for friends?
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Ажурный пуловер с воротником-стойкой
Нежно-розовый пуловер с воротником-стойкой связан спицами ажурным узором с «косами» из легкой пряжи с шерстью альпаки и хлопком.
Pullover with openwork braid pattern
Удобный пуловер свободной формы сияет коралловым цветом. Сплошная ажурная структура из «кос» вносит еще больше оживления в образ.
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Green openwork pullover
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